An Open Invitation to the Media…
Petrene’s unique insights are profound and drawn from every realm of human sciences and studies. They are not limited by, locked in or blinded by doctrine. A veteran radio and television talk show guest, World-Class Psychic, Healer and Author, Petrene Soames has dazzled audiences worldwide with her amazing insights. Audiences ( as well as hosts! ) simply love her!
“Psychics, love’em or hate’em, believe or disbelieve, there’s no denying that everyone is fascinated by these mystic gurus. And after you’ve met Petrene, you may even be convinced about their powers… Barely looking at me, Petrene begins to get visions and thoughts and proceeds to reveal a host of ideas that I thought were my deepest and darkest secrets… Apparently not!”
– Andrew Balkin, London Regional Newspaper
“I had a very interesting conversation with Petrene on Saturday that was very impressive. I don’t normally have psychics on this program, but Petrene Soames is in a class all by herself, I have no problem with saying that the time I spent with you on the phone on Saturday, to say the least, was mind boggling.”
– Paul Gonzalez, UBN Radio Network
Get your audience to really listen and talk!
Get your audience listening to and talking about: Psychic Powers, Predictions, Ghosts, Mediumship, Out-of-Body Experiences, Time Travel, Multi-Dimensional Reality, UFOs, Aliens, Healing, Self-Healing, How to bring happiness into their lives, Top Healing Tips, Love, Relationships, Life, Family… Bring a whole new take on Current Events… and much, much more… Keep reading for a huge list of ideas for shows and guest appearances but you can also look around, be inspired and create your own ideas and topics of interest! Petrene would love to be your guest next…
Petrene is one-of-a-kind and she will amaze your audience!
The topics below can easily be used for Radio, Television or Magazine interviews, Talk Shows, Documentaries, Special Programs, Reports and Events, as well as Lectures or Workshops!
Petrene is available worldwide by arrangement as well as via telephone and online. Contact us today!
“I bring the next step”, says Petrene…
as she invites us to go beyond…
Self Healing

Despite billions of dollars spent in research and new products, our health has not improved! Every year, 204,000 Americans die after taking pharmaceutical products, making the use of prescription drugs the third leading cause of death in the USA after heart disease and cancer. Natural products such as herbs, vitamins and supplements cannot be guaranteed to be 100% safe. In fact mounting evidence suggests that an increasing number of Americans are becoming ill and even dying after taking these products…
Petrene wrote “The Essence of Self-Healing: How to Bring Health and Happiness into your Life” to address this and more…
More and more, The Sciences and Medicine are recognizing the mind and body connection. Self-healing is rapidly becoming a hot subject and Petrene Soames believes it is the next step, the answer, to our current health care chaos…
Petrene Soames has been guiding and inspiring people worldwide for over twenty years to go beyond their own limitations and change their lives in countless positive ways. Petrene has and can bring unique insights into what’s really blocking an individual or a much needed change. She is a professional therapist and uses her own cutting edge healing techniques. She can offer much needed help to your listeners and viewers and show them how to take the next essential step.

- What is self-healing? How does it work? Can anyone use it? True stories of people who successfully used self-healing.
- How to take pain out of your body faster than using painkillers.
- Live Healing Demonstration.
- Clearing pain, anger, trauma, fear and phobias without years of therapy.
- Accident-prone? Where are you really at? What’s your body trying to tell you? How do you break the cycle?
- Insomnia: getting a good night sleep and the importance of letting go.
- Overcoming fear, obsession and phobias.
- Starting your own self-healing and healing group. How To.
- Addictions.
- Heal your past and the trauma of physical, emotional and sexual abuse.
- Communicating with and healing animals.
- Allergies: it’s in your face. Listen to your body and start to heal.
- PMT. Secrets you won’t find in medical journals. How to cope and cure.
- Children and Self-Healing.
- Develop Self-Esteem and accept success and happiness in your life.
- Heal the wounded child within and heal the different parts of you that act out in your life. How to get unstuck even after years of therapy.
- Get to the root cause of Depression. Heal the past and discover your niche in life. You are amazing too!
- Connect to your creative self. Discover you the writer, the painter, the dancer, the artist… Express parts of yourself that have stayed hidden.
- Gaining weight isn’t about what you eat. The myth of good and bad food and how letting go will peel of the pounds.
- Develop self-confidence and speaking skills. Speak out, express yourself and find your true voice. Hear about the man who stuttered for years and then stopped.
- Stop fitting in. Break out and be who you really are. Simple ways to change your life and enjoy being yourself.
- Loving yourself without conditions: How to do it? How to break the age old patterns of self-neglect and self-abuse?
- Listeners call-ins and audience participation: Petrene will bring health and healing assessments, precise insights, advice, tips and feedback to your listeners or audience. Real Answers to Real Questions.
- No one ever just gets ill. There is always a root cause. How to find your own answers and heal?
- Are you keeping yourself from healing?
Psychic, Paranormal, the Unusual…
- Inside the mind of a Psychic… How does the mind of a World Top Psychic like Petrene Soames work? How does she receive the information? Where does she find it? How does she physically see us and the world around us? A fascinating conversation that will change your perception of life forever!
- Psychic and Healing abilities: We’ve all been told that we each have Psychic and Healing abilities. But what do we need to do to bring out to use these facets of ourselves?
- Can anyone predict the future? Predictions, Prophecies, Crystal Balls, Tarot Cards, Astrology and other tools: How accurate are they really? How does it all work?
- Magic mirror, runes, tarot, crystal balls and other forms of prediction and divination.
- Telepathy: How to communicate with others, including infants, animals, spirits and other entities, using telepathy.
- The power and limitations of Positive Thoughts and actions.
- Psychic realities: How breaking patterns can open doors to paranormal worlds. Simple advice that everyone can use.
- Developing your own Psychic, healing, ESP and paranormal abilities.
- Mediumship: communication with those who have passed on.
- Petrene’s experience with dead celebrities.
- How to find all of your own answers to your own questions.
- Rip off Psychics: What are the classic scenarios and how to protect yourself from these unscrupulous individuals…
- How to choose the right psychic reading and what to expect… Getting ready for a great psychic reading…
- Listener call-ins… Questions from your listeners or audience answered…
Live Life Outside the Box…
- Celebrate yourself: Why birthdays are so special and the importance of celebrating you!
- The myth of good and bad food. Stop comfort eating and lose weight.
- Vegetarianism: To be or not to be? A first conscious choice.
- The Future: How to create it, see it and change it. The future is not fixed in the way we once believed. What can you do to change yours?
- What is color and how can we use it in positive ways?
- The importance of meditation, touch and simplicity. How we can re-discover our own power.
- Good and bad luck. Does it really exist? Petrene looks at the myths and the magic.
- Let’s get real! Escaping from all the roles that we play and finally finding ourselves.
- What does “living” really mean? Living consciously and the difference it can make to our lives.
- How to escape from the everyday and live life outside the box.
Children, Parents & Parenting…
- Answering the questions that your children ask and need answers to in the most truthful and rewarding ways.
- Children are people too! 10 different ways not to forget!
- Handling your child’s behavioural problems in positive ways. Going beyond medication.
- What makes a great mum? A great dad?
- How to survive our parents: How to find real love and balance in our lives.
- How to help seniors find a brighter, broader perspective and purpose in their lives.
- Heal and connect with your own inner child.
Time Travel, Perception of Reality, Concepts…
Experience the future and multi-dimensional reality in the comfort of your own home…
- Nothing is only ever as it seems.
- What are “the self” and “the ego”? Who and what are we really? What is reality as we perceive it? Are our limitations only the ones that we bringing to ourselves? How to move beyond limitations and discover the amazing beings that we are…
- Past and future lives: How to find yours and how do they impact on your present life?
- Time Travel: Progression, Regression, Digression… Is time really fixed? Do you know the types of experience that are out there available to you? You can go backwards and forwards in time or experience timelessness and multi-dimensional lives… Find out how the use of these cutting edge techniques which can be of great help in your everyday life.
- Future advances in communication: Where are we heading?
- Experience future time, move into the future with Progression Therapy… Experience the future and report it to your audience… Petrene Soames invites you – Reporter or Show Host – to go forward in time a few days or weeks and report the news before it even happens!
- Aliens and the Alien reality. Inner or outer space?
- A look at the future… 50 years, 100 years, 200 years form now… Join Petrene Soames as she takes us on a trip fast forward into the future… Look at the future of Medicine, Science, Technology and our own civilization…
- Aliens, abductions, other lives and realities… Who are you being now? Petrene Soames’ fascinating insights about the Alien Reality and how we relate with it are a must hear for anyone interested in the subject…
- Out of Body Experiences… Walk-Ins… Reality, diversity and everything in between… Take a look at extreme disassociation cases.
Top Tips…
- Top Self-Healing Tips.
- Top Tips for having a Great Year.
- Top Tips for having a Paranormal Year.
- Top Tips for developing your own Psychic Abilities.
- Top Tips for getting Back in Shape and Feeling Great.
- Top Tips for not getting Ripped off by Psychics.
- Top Tips for having a Happy Valentine’s Day.
- Top Tips for beating the Winter Blues.
- Top Tips for Spring Cleaning your Life.
- Top Tips for celebrating the Feminine in us all.
- Top Tips for Developing Stress Awareness and how to Clear Stress simply.
Relationships, Love, Sex…
- Are you loving or mothering your man?
- What do women really want and what stops them from having it all?
- Are you ready to invite love into your life?
- Why self-love and sexual release is good for you.
- Sex: The roles that we play, the dissatisfaction we feel and why masturbation is good for you.
- Equality: Battle of the Sexes: Where is it all at now?
- Relationships and Communication: Do soulmates exist? How can we get through and communicate when there is anger, fear and other deep emotions blocking our way?
- Touch: How can we use it to get the most out of our relationship and beyond?
How to…
- How to let go in 10 minutes or less and how to best deal with stress.
- How to deal with depression beyond the clinical approach.
- How to stop smoking and other addictions: Choices, myths, needs, blocks and success…
- How to heal your inner child.
- How to connect with and bring out your creative self.
- How to really lose weight, keep it off and feel great with your body.
- How to love yourself without condition.
- How to feel safe and move on.
- How to develop your awareness and psychic abilities.
- How to develop your healing abilities.
- How to discover, connect with and be who you really are.
Current Events:
Going beyond the surface…
Nothing is ever only as it seems… Petrene will enthrall your audience with her insights and angles on what’s really happening… Reveal the hidden truth: What’s really going on behind what’s presented in the news and what might the bigger picture really be?
- Get real and amazing insights about people in the news and current events.
- We are all too familiar with the media’s traditional “body language” dissection after an interview or a press conference. We can go way beyond that… What about really and specifically bringing to the surface what is being thought about and hidden to the eye?
- Bring facts and revelations to your audience weeks and months ahead of any other mass media source.
Petrene is a Top World Psychic. She can tune in to anyplace, any event and anyone, anywhere… The possibilities for investigation are endless…
Afterlife, Ghosts, Mediumship…
Go beyond the fear of the unknown and discover how the realization of the afterlife can and will bring you and your audience a complete new perspective on life itself…
Indeed, after talking with Petrene, one might wonder, not is there life after but “is there life before death?”
- Death, mediumship and communicating with the non-physical… Communicating with the dead and the unborn… How does it really work? Can we all get messages from beyond? How does Petrene communicate with the dead and bring the information back to you?
- How, using Progression Therapy, 50 volunteers experienced their death, found what the after-life was really like and came back to share their stories…
- Can you choose your death? What’s the point? This enthralling conversation with Petrene will change the way you perceive life itself forever!
- Celebrity death encounters and contacting personalities who have passed on… Whatever questions you may have about your favorite celebrities, from politicians and rock stars to historical figures like Abraham Lincoln, Petrene Soames will provide you with the answers… Has John Lennon found peace at last? Are Jackie and JFK together on the other side? Why did Kurt Cobain kill himself? How does Princess Diana feel about her grown-up sons? If you’ve looking for a special treat and a very special show, this is it… Which celebrity are you dying to interview?
- Haunted treasures: Have Petrene direct a live-on-air seance at your own local most haunted building… See what happened in Houston when Petrene Soames was invited to release Houston’s most haunted place from the presence of multiple entities…
- Ghosts, Spirits and Hauntings… Get your audience mesmerized with Petrene’s ghosts stories and get your listeners to participate with their own weird and wonderful experiences… Get the answers that everyone is seeking about everything that goes bump in the night.