After making your payment simply send your numbered questions to Petrene at ps[at] or via her contact page, with the subject line of your email being “6 question email reading”.
Questions can be about anything: career, relationships, finance, health, spirituality… They can be about you or about anyone or anything else, any situation which you are interested in… Whatever is going on with and important for you. No question is too big or too small.
You will also need to include with your email ( all information sent is STRICTLY confidential) the following :
- Your full name.
- Your date of birth.
- A recent and clear photo of yourself ( no sunglasses ).
- The full names ( and a photo if at all possible ) of any other people you are wanting to ask/know about.
That’s it! Please make sure that you have left us your correct email address, allow 7-10 days for delivery and prepare to be healed, relieved and amazed…