Rebirthing Therapy
What is Rebirthing?
The Rebirthing Therapy we will be talking about below is unique to Petrene Soames, it is a technique she has developed herself and should not be confused with “Rebirthing Breathwork” or any of the many other forms of Rebirthing or breathwork available. Petrene, being psychic, has been able to develop this technique which works on deeper levels and so is able to be completed in one or at most two sessions.
Rebirthing Therapy is about deep, connected breathing…
Hardly any of us breathe fully and totally. We breathe from our chest. We don’t breathe from our solar plexus and below – the emotions – simply because this part of us is too cluttered, too filled with pains, too blocked. A lot of people feel they have a hole in their stomach, a weight on their chest. This is why many overeat, just to feel safe… A lot of us are in a time and space where we run around, never being able or wanting to sit down and be still, be with ourselves, because it’s too painful, too frightening… Rebirthing is the answer in all such cases.
Why Rebirthing Therapy?
Sometimes, people come to me who have been in therapy for many years… Therapy is great, it’s great to realize where your blocks are and it’s great to be able to pinpoint them. But no matter how much you realize, understand, accept and rationalize, the blocks are still there. Blocks exist and are carried on deep emotional levels, the heart center, the throat/communication center and in the stomach/emotions center. Rebirthing is a powerful medium that can actually clear these emotional blocks and people often report getting more out of one Rebirthing session than in many years of therapy…
In just one Rebirthing session – which lasts about one a quarter hours – you have the opportunity to completely clear all the negative emotional patterns that you’ve built up over years… The fear of not being good enough, the destructive patterns, the negative behaviors that you’ve built up over time… It’s like being a sponge and finally getting an opportunity to clear and release everything. You literally breathe underneath the pain, fear, trauma and let it go. Rebirthing is not a mind therapy, it works with and on a deep emotional level.
People’s experience during their Rebirthing session can be and is very individual. Each Rebirthing session is completely unique. At times during a Rebirthing, some people may cry, some may express anger, some may express both, some are very quiet… It does not matter what is expresssed and how you react, what matters is that the process works and that it works very well…
Why do Rebirthing Therapy with Petrene Soames?
“Being psychic, I am able to work very quickly and thoroughly when I work with people”, Petrene says, “so I can guarantee that in one session, two at the most, I will be able to help you remove these negative blocks and move on… Even if you have felt stuck for a long time.
I have seen in the past a lot of people recommending and offering Rebirthing over five, six, seven or even ten and more sessions… Sometimes people do several cycles of ten sessions! In my experienced opinion, this most certainly is not the best way to proceed. When you work in that way, you only do so much work in each session… You bring issues to the surface and then you leave them there until the next session… I feel that the time to deal with issues and to get them out of the way, to get them cleared, is now… That is why I work within one, maximum two, sessions. The difference with my Rebirthing sessions is that – as a top professional psychic – I psychically looked at and studied the available Rebirthing methods and then developed my own unique and powerful form which works in this deeper and much more compact way…
It is also true that during a Rebirthing session, as a psychic, I can instinctively and intuitively know what to do next… I know what is going to work for you as an individual. I am not simply following techniques… I look at you as you are going through the session, I see you clearing things, I see how you are doing, what you are clearing, where you need to get to and how far along you are with it… I watch your aura, chakras ( emotional, psychic or energy centers )… I see if they are blocked and how you clear them… I also make sure you are completely back in the here and now at the end of the session and include a follow up around ten days later, which is the time it takes for things to settle, to see how and where you are at and to answer any and all questions… The Rebirthing I offer, in my experience, is far more advanced than what is generally offered.”
After the Rebirthing session…
“You do not leave the session without being totally back in the here and now and feeling absolutely usual. You are not feeling disconnected or spaced out in any way. For the remainder of the day, you may feel like eating something special, being in a quiet place, having an early night, a hot bath with oils, being with a favorite person or a host of many other things… I always recommend that people do whatever feels right for them, that they pamper, indulge and look after their inner child, because that is your emotional self… That night, and perhaps over the next three nights, you may have quite interesting dreams. Perhaps things will come up from the past, past memories. I always ask people to write these down for the follow up session.
Within seven to ten days, everything has settled. You should then be totally able to know how you were before the Rebirthing experience and how you are afterwards. You will see a most distinct difference… How does this difference manifest? With feelings of freedom and security… With the loss of fear and pain… With the real determination and knowledge that you are going to get through anything and everything… With a new ease, a new peace within yourself… With a new hope… You will feel in control… You will be in touch with the powerful part of yourself and you will most certainly have an increased awareness of creativity and sensitivity…
“Petrene Soames has the technology to Reset Lives…”
– Read more client testimonials …
More about Rebirthing Therapy…
( Excerpt from “The Essence of Self-Healing: How to bring Health and Happiness into Your Life” )
“There is always much you can do alone and you will find more and more of your own ways. If you feel that you do need support and help to let go, there are numerous options available. With any counseling or therapy it is important to choose to work with someone you like and feel good with, a person you can feel safe with, open up to, and be yourself with. Counseling can be a lengthy process; you may feel that you want to move through past issues and strong emotional blocks faster. Investigate your options. Ask questions. Feel comfortable about the level of understanding you have regarding how the sessions work and have an idea of what to expect.
Two of the therapies that I use and highly recommend are Rebirthing and Regression Therapy. While Regression Therapy works primarily with the mind, Rebirthing works primarily with the emotions and the physical body; although the mind in many ways is a large part of the Rebirthing process.
Some of the clients I Rebirth have been involved in counseling for many years and are still looking for answers, solutions and release. Although counseling can be most helpful, there comes a point where even though you can understand all of your issues, letting go of the pain needs something that will work on a much deeper level. Other Rebirthing clients have done little or no other work on themselves and Rebirthing works wonderfully for them too.
Occasionally, for certain individuals who have very logical or analytical minds, it may not be initially easy to accept the concept of Rebirthing and letting go. It can be easy for such people to tie themselves up in concepts, endless statements made in books by others on Rebirthing and to become entangled in complex self-analysis. When such people are ready to move on, they too can stop, take a deep breath and allow themselves the release that Rebirthing initiates.
I recommend working with a Rebirther who does not spread sessions over long periods of time. One or two sessions is really enough. Working over many sessions is not the best option because only a certain amount of release work is done in each session. The client is then left on his or her own to deal with whatever is taking place, until the next session.
Group Rebirthing is also available. Although group Rebirthing can be of some benefit, the participant cannot receive the individual attention needed from the Rebirther when so many participants are Rebirthing at the same time.
A Rebirther who is also a sensitive or psychic is a bonus, as this person will not only be following known Rebirthing techniques, but will have a real sense of what to do for you and when.
Rebirthing is about Connected breathing. The basis of it is that we breathe in life, the new, everything we need and we breathe out and release everything we no longer need. There are different stages of the Rebirthing; it can be a wonderfully powerful, moving experience. The individual will discover once again his or her own natural breathing rhythms and at some point, some people may cry or express rage. Others will not. Rebirthing is as individual as the people who experience the session. But after a session it is common to feel very positive, energized, free, and very light. You may feel that the weight that you have been carrying forever is finally gone.
Therapists will each have their own ways of conducting a session. To give an example, I use a small, comfortable warm room. I use soft lighting and gentle background music. The client lies on the floor cocooned in quilts, covers, and soft pillows. The shoulders, neck and head are left uncovered at all times. The idea is to create a warm, safe, comfortable space rather like the womb. I get back with clients seven to ten days after the session to follow up and see how and where they are within themselves. The process needs at least this amount of time before checking results.
Again and again clients tell me how Rebirthing changed their lives in the most amazingly positive ways, so this is a therapy I highly recommend. The name “Rebirthing” brings with it the sense of being reborn and this is very much the case during and after the process.”
from the Blog..
Rebirthing: Removing Negative Blocks and Patterns.
So you want a new relationship? Want to find and have love in your life? The good news is that you can have this, there is someone out there just right for you at this time... To send out the right signals to attract this best possible person for you to be with to...
One more word…
An article published in the Houston Chronicle ( June 9, 2000 ) was brought to my attention. A 10 year old girl in Colorado was wrapped in a blanket and therapists pushed against her head with pillows. They urged the girl to breathe and fight her way out and become “reborn”. The girl died fighting for breath. Five people have been charged with child abuse. Her mother was present while this incident happened. The article goes on to state that other therapists who practice Rebirthing say that the patient struggles out of a covering to be “reborn”.
I am horrified to read this article and my heartfelt sympathies go out to all concerned. I am also very surprised to learn that this is the way that Rebirthing is being practised by some. It is very far removed from the method of Rebirthing that I have successfully developed and practised for many years. I want to state clearly that there is no struggling to be “reborn” on any level in my sessions and covers or pillows are never used to cover the head or face in any way.
Read Petrene’s News Release about the Rebirthers’ Trial in Denver – April 7th, 2001