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Enjoy some fascinating Radio Excerpts and Podcasts with Petrene Soames…

"Our Mental Health Crisis and The Future of Humanity" - 40 mins

by Petrene Soames & Anton Czachor | Anton Czachor Podcast #104 - June 2022

"We Talk To A Pet Psychic!" - 36:30 mins

by Petrene Soames | "The Vets Unleashed", Episode 44, Jan 2021

"How to Take an Instant Vacation" - 5:01 mins

by Petrene Soames | KPAM - The Jimmy Hollister Show - 2002

Petrene is a guest on The Joan Rivers Show - 23 mins

by Petrene Soames | The Joan Rivers Show - November 2001

Petrene Tunes into George Harrison after his Death - 12:55 mins

by Petrene Soames | BBC London Live 94.9 - The Paul Coyte Show - 2001

Self-Healing - 5:46 mins

by Petrene Soames | KTRS - NightTalk with the Nighthawk - The George Noory Show - 2001

Radio Show Demo - Answering Listener's Questions - 4:15 mins

by Petrene Soames | 97.9 The Box - Houston

Petrene speaks about the "Harmonic Convergence" - 3:10 mins

by Petrene Soames | BBC Northampton

"Taking Care of Ourselves" - 3:01 mins

by Petrene Soames | KGO Afternoon News USA - 2001

Psychics... The Good, the Bad & the In-Between... - 1:31 mins

by Petrene Soames | WTIX - Ron Hunter Night Show - 1997

"There is no such thing as Time" - 1:24 mins

by Petrene Soames | KFRC radio, San Francisco USA - 1997

Basic Awareness - 0:58 mins

by Petrene Soames | KVOR - USA - 1997

You are a Multidimensional Being - 0:55 mins

by Petrene Soames | WRFG - 1997

The Future is Up to Us, We are in Control - 0:51 mins

by Petrene Soames | WCBM - The Zoe Show - 1997

Death and Time - 0:52 mins

by Petrene Soames | KXAM - Phoenix, Arizona, USA - 1997

"The War on Death" - 0:42 mins

by Petrene Soames | United Stations Network - The Victoria Jones Show - 1997

We Are Amazing - 0:23 mins

by Petrene Soames | WAXY - Teen Live Wire - 1997

Universal Shift of Consciousness in 2012 - 2:05 mins

by Petrene Soames | UBN Network - The Paul Gonzalez Show - 1996