Greetings, my wish for one and all is a Very Happy New Year and that 2025 be filled with love and Peace…
The 2025 vibes are strong, new, exciting and filled with change. My message this year is loud and clear: Don’t be afraid and don’t expect the worst! Be prepared instead for all the great things that 2025 has to offer…
According to the Chinese Calendar, 2025 is The Year of The Wood Snake. Breakthroughs on all levels can be and will be possible, so forge ahead… Hard work that did not yield expected results over the past two years can now fulfill positive expectations. It’s a time for turning new dreams into reality as well as for resurrecting old ones and breathing new hope and life into them… Remember, nothing is ever only as it seems and life awaits, the time is now…
With love,
Petrene Soames

I, The Healer
I have watched layers of pain and struggle literally fall away, watched as bodies have unblocked, straightened and re-aligned themselves. I have seen colors and sparks fly from my hands and watched others light up as if they were turned on by an electric switch…
Featured Articles…
Forgiveness: How to Forgive and Why….
I always say that “awareness is the key to all things”. In the forgiving process we need to understand. We need to understand why we were hurt, abused, betrayed or whatever it was that we are trying to forgive.
Love is not an Energy, but an Openness…
Love is a natural state of being which we can at any time choose to experience and if we wish, express… If love is indeed simply and openness and a part of every one of us, then why are so many starving for love?

Coming Up…
“Something Wonderful” and Petrene Soames present…
“An Afternoon with Progression Therapy“
An amazing and unique opportunity and experience…
To Progress is to move forward. More specifically and in this instance, it means to go forward in time and space in order to see, feel and experience future time and the future you. In doing so, you can expect to gain insight and clarity as well as a greater awareness of how life, you and your own unique creative processes work. Progression is a finely tuned tool to help us understand ourselves and the creative process, indeed, to help us understand how and why we create the lives that we do…
During this afternoon you will not only see and feel how and where your life will be but also how your life developed: what led to your future and the steps that you took to get there… In doing a Progression, you can actually find the ways to create and get what and who you want in your future!
You may choose to do a Progression to see how your current plans work out. To see how your and the lives of your loved ones are in the future… Whether or not your current life path will bring you the success and happiness that you want… You can also choose to see the future of science, medicine and mankind!
Many years ago, a young woman who was crazy about a young man who barely noticed her came to me for guidance… She was sure that he was “the one” and the father of her future children, but she also had no idea how that could possibly actually happen. It was during a Progression in which she moved one year ahead that it all finally made sense to her… She saw that they were both at a local event, a society dance. She saw what they were both wearing. She saw the decor of the venue, the parquet dance floor, who was there and how they danced together – as well as how magically and unexpectedly the evening turned out… This experience gave her a lot of confidence – where before she had none – and in a year’s time, she did indeed go to that dance, where it did all turn out exactly as she had seen. They were happily married and have been for many years and have four beautiful daughters.
Another time, I had a client who chose to Progress a few years ahead. She saw herself in a motorcycle accident with her current boyfriend. Such a bad accident that she was left crippled and wheelchair bound… She was of course horrified to see this future reality but used the information she gathered during the session to bring change. What she needed to do was to understand what needs that future reality filled for her and how to fulfill those needs in a different way, so that her future no longer needed to have that tragic outcome. She did so and in fulfilling those needs, she did indeed, quite literally change her future…
In a Progression, if you see that things have worked out how you would wish them to, then that’s great! If not, you can understand why they didn’t and be in a place from which to make the necessary changes in order to actually create the future that you desire…
I have been offering clients my unique form of Progression Therapy successfully for over twenty years. I have also presented and demonstrated Progression Therapy both in the printed press and on Television. Each and every one of us can easily travel backwards and forwards in time. Hypnosis is not used or necessary, you will simply enter into a state of deep relaxation from which, using very simple imagery, you will be guided into 2 future times of your choice. You might choose to go forward in time 1 year and 5, 5 years and 10, etc etc. There are no limitations.
One of the phrases that I often use and have coined is “time is mine”! I coined it because I personally know and have experienced that time does not exist in the way that we perhaps like to believe that it does… We have instead chosen our current concept of time as a condition and measure that we can unanimously agree on. We are all vibrating at different frequencies and such an agreed upon concept of time allows us not to seem or feel so alone, allowing us to be and exist in the same place, at the same time…
I have had instances in my life where I totally stopped time, rearranged my reality and then stepped back into the here and now, time and flow, continuing on with the moment… This is something that we are all capable of doing! I would love to help you learn how!
Prepare for The Afternoon by simply having an open mind, being relaxed and wearing loose comfortable clothes. Know that indeed, anything is possible and that you can do this! It’s easy! Please come having already decided on the 2 times that you would like to move forward to and trust and know that you will be guided by me, an expert in the field who has helped many people use Progression to their lasting advantage.
As a bonus, during this afternoon, there will be discussion and tips on how you can yourself more easily move around in time and how to use the tools you gain for your own future time exploration.
Contact “Aura Holistic and Metaphysical Wellness” or myself directly to book your spot now!!
I look forward to seeing you!
With love,
Petrene Soames
Where: “Aura Holistic and Metaphysical Wellness”, 379 Sawdust Rd, Spring, TEXAS, 77380
When: Saturday March 1st, 2025, 13:00 – 16:00
Cost: $120.00 per person.
( There will be a maximum of 15 people )
Welcome to the next steps in your New Life!
The most Groundbreaking and Innovative tools and strategies for Healing, Transformation, Completion and Change…
Magic and transformation truly are, simple and everyday… The answers and tools that you need to bring the change that you want are here… You can heal, develop your awareness, pinpoint and remove blocks and you can do all of this faster than with any other methods that you have previously tried… Your life is now. The tools are here. You are not here to live in pain, struggle and sorrow, you are here to be truly happy and to express the incredible and amazing being that you actually and truly are!
“Petrene is the most powerful healer I have ever met. She can tell you the deepest root cause of your problem and fix it through her tender love, voice and healing hands and methods. Her energy is so full, it fills the healing space and pours into the individual. My life is changed. My eyes are so clear and my mind is so clean after just one Psychic consultation and two Therapy sessions… I cherish this opportunity very much and I am grateful for being aware and awakening to take back the power of my life. Thank you Petrene, with all my sincere love.”
– Acho, Taiwan
many more testimonials…
Did you know?
All of Petrene's Psychic Consultations as well as her Healing Consultations can be done in person at her Woodlands, TX location, but also over the phone or online.
Contact us now to schedule your consult...
“As a child, did you ever dream that you could fly? Well the truth is, you can!”
“I am here for you and I can help. I have the answers to your questions. I can help you heal and resolve problems and situations that have seemed impossible or that you have struggled with for a long time. I can help you to see and change what is going on when everything is stuck and nothing is moving… I am amazing and you are amazing too… You never make mistakes as there are no mistakes… You do know exactly what you are doing all of the time… If you do not truly know these things then your fear and pain are standing in the way. It is time to develop awareness, realize who you truly are and heal the fear and pain whenever and wherever they are from and you can do all of this much faster than you might have ever imagined…”
– Petrene Soames

From the Blog… ♥
Pointing Out The Positives…
My latest Top Ten Tips, “Pointing Out The Positives” are for each and every one of us…
They are for anyone and everyone who is struggling in these seemingly difficult and hard times…
They are here to uplift and empower…
Remember, Positive Thoughts really do create Positive Reality… Positives can be found anywhere and everywhere…
Top 10 Τips for Getting Motivated and Creating Positive Change…
It is now October 2021 and as I write, for many people worldwide, reality has meant a really difficult last couple of years… There are now the beginnings of hopeful signs and there is light at the end of the tunnel… Many more of us are beginning to feel restless and indeed longing for “new” and positive change… Please enjoy my Top Ten Tips to help you get motivated and get moving…
Top 10 Tips for surviving and thriving in a changing and sometimes crazy world…
Recently I have had many clients who are reporting depression and feelings of fear and hopelessness about the current world situation and who are feeling that life is a constant struggle.
No matter what is happening or seems to be happening in the world, it is important to remember that nothing is ever only as it seems…