Petrene offers more than 70 different workshop and group experiences! ♥
There is sure to be the perfect workshop to fit your needs…
- Experience “The Essence of Self Healing”
- Healing, Expressing, Creating and Living with Color!
- Living in Love…
- Heal, Love, Create & Play
- Stretch & Grow
- Group Breathwork
- Creating and Accepting Material Prosperity and Abundance
- Dreaming up Stuff: The Creative Art of doing Nothing…
- Harmony in the Workplace
- Experience “The Process: 21 Days to Transformation”
- Women’s Wellness
- Cultivating Your Psychic, Healing and ESP Abilities
- and many more…
Get in contact with Petrene to discuss the perfect workshop for you!
Get together with a group of friends, work associates or family, any kind of group and schedule a workshop with Petrene… You can also come alone, as an individual, to a workshop that is already running or scheduled and meet new people, make new friendships that are just waiting to happen!
To find out more about any groups and workshops that are currently running and keep up with all the latest, “like” and “follow” the Petrene Soames Psychic facebook page!
Workshop Participant Feedback!
read more testimonials about Petrene’s work…
The Workshops…
Heal, Love, Create & Play!
Do you want to get in touch with your creative side but don’t know where to begin? Don’t miss this great opportunity to get in touch with you, have fun, learn, create and play…
Creativity and play are healing pathways for the mind, body and spirit and by connecting with your creative self you will find out how creativity can make your life flow more smoothly…
During the workshop we will enjoy the following activities:
- Coloring
- Collage
- Making “Love Dolls”
- Painting
- Story Telling
- Poetry
- Laughing
- Sharing!
Discover the creative you and have fun like you haven’t in years… Relax, enjoy, create, discover, play and learn! This 8 hour workshop is packed with information, tips, hands on experience and activities and can be the beginning of a whole new life experience…
Group Breathwork Workshop
Not Rebirthing – Rebirthing is an amazing process and tool that works at it’s best on a one to one basis… – this 8 hour breathwork workshop is an amazing opportunity to be expertly guided by Petrene in what will be an extremely useful, rewarding, uplifting, healing and inspiring group experience…
- Heal, clear and feel totally new in an extremely safe, comfortable space…
- Discover tools involving the breath that you can use in your everyday life to clear yourself on a regular basis.
- Learn how to more fully breathe in life and to connect with all of the joy that goes with this…
- Discover how you can use simple breathing techniques to create positive reality, change the past and make the most of every single moment…
- Learn how to breathe positive experiences and release those emotions that you no longer have a use for…
Dreaming Up Stuff: The Creative Art of Doing Nothing…
We have likely all have been admonished, whether by others or by ourselves, at some time in our lives, with the words “stop dreaming your life away…”
In this workshop, as Petrene says, you can learn how to “Dream your life back, and Dream your life forward”….
“The creative art of doing nothing” is an art which many of us have forgotten, have become uncomfortable with, or perhaps never even got in touch with and yet it goes way beyond positive and creative thought in the “creating your own reality” process…
This full day workshop is something that we all need these days, to once again dream, to learn the importance of daydreaming and what actually happens when we do nothing. Doing nothing is indeed a positive creative art, because we then hand over our imagination and creative powers to another part of us that works on different levels in different ways. It’s a lot about being in ways we are not used to and have not yet realized the value of, vs. doing in the ways that we have been taught.
For those of you who saw and loved the movie “What the bleep” but wondered what to do next, this workshop is the next practical step. So join Petrene for this one day workshop, get ready to be informed, delighted, relaxed and amazed.
Hands on tools and exercises will be included in the workshop that you can use in your own life and share with others. Plenty of food for thought will be served. The workshop will also take a break for one hour lunch and two fifteen minute breaks throughout the day.
Living in Love…
- Have you ever wondered what being in love really means, or how to make it last?
- Do you wonder why you attract relationships into your life that aren’t right for you?
- How can you “be there for yourself ” and tune into that love vibration instantly?
- What thoughts, feelings and ideas do you need to let go of about love, so that you can attract all the love that you want and need into your life?
Find the answers to these questions and more, in this hands-on, one of a kind, fun stimulating, inspiring and life-changing 4 hour workshop.
Guaranteed to be some of the best 4 hours that you ever spent…
Harmony in the Workplace
The average American gets only two paid weeks of vacation a year, while in Europe five full weeks in many countries is the norm…
Americans are becoming a nation of the sleep deprived. Insomnia are on the rise. On average, workers with insomnia take 5.8 days a year off from work while good sleepers take only 2.4 days off per year.
More and more Americans are changing their careers midlife. This can lead to a complete reshuffle of the workplace. Anything can happen and often does.
How can stress in the workplace be avoided and how can slight changes to the work environment and our own attitudes turn our workplaces into healthy and balanced places to be?
Whether you are an employee who wants to bring positive change to your workplace or an employer who wants to create a more positive and productive work environment, whether you are a big or small company, this workshop will be practical, illuminating, problem solving, harmonizing and bring effective solutions to your work place blues…
Cultivating Your Psychic, Healing and ESP Abilities…
You may be just starting on your spiritual path or you may be a veteran traveler and student of the paranormal and metaphysical realms… There is always more to develop, learn, remember and be delighted and amazed about.
This workshop is a safe space to discover more of who you are, how you work and what you can do… A small friendly and welcoming group, so that students can connect and receive the individual attention required. This group is also suitable for anyone who wants to develop self awareness, self love and self confidence. It’s a group for anyone and everyone looking for more…
Discover what you have and develop even further… You will be amazed… All at your own pace and with lots of love and support…
Experience “The Essence of Self-Healing”
This is a dynamic and uplifting event which is for anyone who wants to explore for himself or herself the mind/body, emotions/body, mental/spiritual/body connection and find out how to become well on all levels…
We may all know that we can heal our bodies and emotions, find our own answers to our questions and even heal the past, but this workshop will show you how to do so in the most incredibly simple, fast, effective and unique ways…
The workshop is based on Petrene’s book “The Essence of Self Healing: How to bring Health and Happiness into Your Life” and is offered as a series of nine 4 hour workshops or as a shorter, condensed 2 day weekend workshop… It offers a highly positive and creative hands-on opportunity to experience self healing, awareness and pure joy. Packed full of tips, exercises and so much more, there will be much to take home with you and continue to use after this event.
Learn how to:
- Take pain out of your body faster than using a pain killer.
- Simply work through issues and traumas without years of therapy…
- Discover the real you and release past blocks, conditioning and barriers…
- Use self healing to heal and clear blocks at the root.
- Get in and stay in great shape and balance
- Develop further personal confidence, consciousness, and awareness…
Participants will work individually and as a group using self realization and self healing techniques. Approximately 70% of the material covered in this workshop is experiential, the other 30% is theoretical. The workshop is at all times informative, interesting and interactive. It is useful, though certainly not vital, to have read “The Essence of Self-Healing” beforehand. The book will be available for sale at the workshop.
Not to be missed, this workshop is expertly designed to bring knowledge, self-awareness, self-confidence, self-belief and understanding and is a completely inspiring, empowering and life-changing experience…
Healing, Expressing, Creating and Living with Color!
This workshop will take you beyond all you have learnt and understood about color so far…
- Let go of preconceived ideas about color.
- Understand and gain hands on experience of color healing: See how fast it actually works and how you can heal yourself and others by using it.
- Learn simple but effective tools that you can use in everyday life situations to lose weight, give yourself an energy lift and help to develop your awareness and psychic abilities.
- Discover how color fits into a much greater picture: How it is connected to and makes up life and reality itself… Where it all begins…
- Use meditation effectively to travel with color to the creative source…
- Explore your own personal relationship with color.
- Find the colors that you need now and how and why they will work for you.
Discover the creative and colorful being that you truly are!
Stretch & Grow Workshop
You are seen as you project yourself to be… Stretch your body and stretch your whole being, psyche and reality… The sky is not the limit, there is much much more!
- Feel better than you have done in years with simple stretching and movement that anyone can safely use…
- All ages and all levels of physical fitness will benefit from this workshop.
- Bring your friends!
- Start up your own regular classes and watch your own and others’ life change in totally positive and perhaps surprising ways…
- Bring your body, mind and spirit together and align yourself with one and everything…
This is the perfect mini 3 hour workshop for anyone wanting to renew or find their zest and passion for and wanting to wake up to life!
Creating and Accepting Material Prosperity and Abundance…
Abundance comes in many forms, it can be financial and material or physical, mental and emotional… Are you spiritually and metaphysically inclined, caring, sharing, giving, a “good person” and yet, like many other “good people”, having a difficult time creating and accepting abundance in your life?
- Why does this happen?
- How can this be changed?
- Which 10 simple but highly effective steps can be taken to bring the desired positive change fast?
- How can someone, even in dire circumstances, create more wealth, health and happiness in their life?
- Is “the more you give, the more you get” a true working statement?
Join Petrene for this not to be missed, full day, eye opening, hands on opportunity… Learn the secret of what’s holding you back from creating, receiving and accepting a lot more in your life and open yourself up to having more!
This workshop is for anyone who wants more and for those who want to help others get more…
Experience “The Process: 21 Days to Transformation”
This workshop is based on Petrene’s latest book, “The Process: 21 days to Transformation”.
“The Process” is not a book you read, it’s something that you “do”. It is a simple but profound three part system which creates positive shifts and healing on all levels… In this workshop, we will:
- Find out what Positive Thoughts do, how they work and how they can work better for you…
- Discover the magic of “New Dimensional Art”
- Find out how journaling works on multiple levels and how less can often be more.
- Get your questions answered about what is stopping you from creating effectively and how to become even more effective in creating the positive reality that you deserve…