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Welcome to Petrene’s Colour Room!


We are colour! We are all colourful and magical beings living in a colourful reality, even when it does not always appear to be that way… Colours are used for healing, and you can use them too for your own self-healing process… This is your chance to re-vitalize, re-energize and enjoy! Give yourself and colour a chance and discover something new…

I have pre-selected the following colours that I suggest you experience first… You could however, do this exercise with any colours at all that you feel like… For now though, first decide which of the following 5 colours you feel you most need or feel comfortable with right now…

Click on the colour that you have chosen… Take 5 – 10 minutes to sit comfortably as the colour of your choice is displayed on your screen… Make sure to take off your shoes and watch if you are wearing them and to sit with your back comfortably straight. Do not to cross your arms or legs! Sitting “cross legged” in a “meditation position” is ok however…

Gaze at the colour,.. Feel how it feels; how it makes you feel… Enjoy the pleasant and positive sensations… Take long, slow, deep breaths from the bottom of your stomach with your mouth open and breathe all those positive sensations as well as the colour all through your body… You can do this while you keep looking at your screen, or you can close your eyes and just still see the colour in your mind…

Imagine that you are bathing in and floating in that pure, colour, light and energy… Continue to breathe deeply and imagine that each time you breathe, you are again, breathing it all through your body, filling your body completely up to overflowing…

When you feel relaxed, satisfied and full, you can simply bring the exercise to a close by taking a few moments to be still and enjoy those energised and relaxed feelings… You could also go ahead and choose another colour and repeat the same process!

Also take a moment to experience the colours that you are not attracted to, or even that you dislike… Feel them… Ask yourself why do you not like these colors? What thoughts, feelings, emotions, memories or associations do they bring to you?

Use the colour exercises as often as you wish… You will continue to enjoy the many positive benefits!


Have fun with color!