Is routine getting you down?
Do you feel tired and listless?
Is it hard to remember the last time you felt great?
Let today be the first great day of the rest of your life…
Simply follow these tips to give yourself a break and have a great day!
Remember, whenever you decide to have a great day, you need to go with what you feel… Break the usual routines… Dress in loose, comfortable clothes… Leave your watch off and do whatever makes you feel good… Having a great day means taking time to fulfill and express yourself on all levels: emotional, mental and physical…
- Wake up if possible without the use of an alarm… This might mean going to bed slightly earlier than usual… When you wake up this way, your body will have completed it’s own natural sleep cycle and you will feel relaxed and refreshed… Get out of bed slowly…
- Drink 1-2 large glasses of room temperature or warm water… It’s perfect for hydrating your body and cleansing your colon, kidneys and other vital organs…
- Take 10-15 minutes to sit and be still outside in nature or by the window – if you have to be indoors due to weather or other conditions… Take long slow deep breaths from the bottom of your stomach… Let your thoughts come and go… Feel the calm, peace and magic of you…
- Follow up with 5 minutes of Positive Affirmations to lift your mood and to create positive reality… Say them slowly and clearly in your mind twice… Try the following, but you can also make up other positive thoughts of your own! “I am a free and powerful being…”, “I let go easily of all I no longer need…”, “My body clears, heals and balances itself…”, “I love myself completely without conditions…”
- Eat a variety of healthy plant foods, things that make you feel good… Include plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables for extra energy, zest and zing…
- Take a luxurious bath or shower… Pamper yourself with gentle and preferably natural, fragrances… Treat your body to gentle massage and all those other things that you don’t normally make time for…
- Stand naked before a full-length mirror… If you find yourself being judgmental about your body, stop! Send loving, nurturing and positive thoughts to any part of your body that you don’t like… Give yourself permission to explore your body and to feel great…
- Picture yourself in a year, five years, or even ten years from now… See yourself being happy and fulfilled… Imagine even the smallest details of your life, career, relationships and health… See yourself being how you would like to be… Now say to yourself firmly and clearly in your mind: “I draw easily to myself all that I need…”. Repeat twice… Positive Thoughts, visualization and affirmations go a long way in creating a positive future reality and lifestyle… Start today!
- Express yourself! Take a blank piece of paper and write… Let the words flow… Write about how you feel and where you are at… Write about anything and everything… Your writing does not have to make sense… The action itself is more important than the end result… You can also color, paint or draw! Have fun! If you need to scream or release tension, anger and frustration, go ahead! Do it! Let yourself go… Close the drapes or blinds, put on the radio or a favorite piece of music and dance… Let your body move, find your own natural rhythms…
- Call a friend, write a letter… Share time with someone you care about… Do something fun, together or alone… Or do nothing! Just potter around and relax… Always go with what you feel, not what you think you should do…
- If you are in the mood, take a walk… Enjoy the scenery wherever you are and whatever the weather… If you don’t like to walk, visit the mall or check out a museum or art gallery.., Just keep your body and your senses flowing and moving for a while… Remember, it is often true, “a change is as good as a holiday”…
- Check out those beautiful places near where you live that you’ve never gotten around to visiting… Be open to be pleasantly surprised and glad you made the effort…
Today really is the first day of the rest of your life…
Decide that today will be full of wonder for you.
Then go ahead and have a great day!