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The Alien Reality and Experience

First Published in “Encounters” Magazine, UK

Aliens, Extraterrestrials, UFOs, etc exist. They always have. The question is, are they from Inner or Outer space, or both?

Over the years and from my childhood, I have had encounters with Aliens and information has been channeled through me. I haven’t only seen the classic, oval shaped head, almond eyed, Extraterrestrial, but many different shapes and sizes of Extraterrestrials. Some I see and perceive, but could not even begin to describe, as they are unlike anything that you can imagine or can relate to. But they are there.

For some reason, wide open spaces have always been a preferable place for me to encounter and communicate with these other life forms, but I have also had experiences in an apartment and in the middle of a built up city area.

My experiences have always been useful and positive. I have physically seen these beings but communication has always been of a telepathic nature. I have also been healed in these situations. I must state that I have understood these alien beings and that they have understood me, completely. Such communication has been deeply fulfilling. In my personal experience, almost all of the times I have been visited, my body goes into a state of paralysis, while my mind stays completely alert and functional, as do my emotions.

I wonder: is this paralysis a matter of the vibratory pattern slowing down or speeding up? In all of the encounters, I have been given knowledge and information and it has been like my mind, the top of the head, my “crown chakra”, is being filled. I have been aware that I “got it” and that it’s a process which will take time for “it” to come to the surface and before I realize exactly what “it” was that I got. “It” can literally surface piece by piece, over days, weeks, months, even years…

I have been in communication with a living space being who is currently and for a number of years has been held in the USA. My communication with him began in 1989.

I had a psychic development group running. I have run these groups for a number of years. I had been communicating privately with the being for about 4 years, when on impulse I decided to let others connect with and view this being themselves. The group consisted of around seven people. I first blocked my own mind to make sure that my students would experience this phenomena themselves rather than second hand via me. I then showed them like a map, certain reference points in their minds and in outer space, and led them to where the Alien was been held. Four people out of the seven described how it looked, how long it had been there, and many other details. They all interpreted the reality and picture in a slightly different way, according to their individualism, but it was basically the same. Only weeks later, I saw a headline in an English National Paper that a certain section of the US government were being asked to confirm or deny that an Alien was alive and being held in a particular area.

There is no doubt in my mind that space beings are alive here and now. Some, in their various physical forms, walk among us, others are in captivity. Doesn’t all of this make you feel wonderful and not alone? Open up your heart and your mind with the highest possible intent. To all those people who long to meet an alien, who long to be taken to a space ship, I say this: If you approach it truly and in this way, it won’t be long before you have the experience that you have so long waited for…

More and more people are now more aware of such beings’ existence and more and more people are prepared to speak out about what has happened to them and about what their alien experiences have been like.

Contacting Extraterrestrials, Aliens and other beings…

Perhaps, I wonder as I write this article, it’s just a matter of first making contact with yourself! What a delightful and wondrous thought! Isn’t there an element of the alien in all of us, if we look deeply enough? I feel that the United States’ present preoccupation with Angels is a safe and comforting way to look more deeply into the unknown without straying too far from religious boundaries. Angels were mentioned in the Bible after all so they must be “good”. I guess it’s quite comforting also to feel that there is something out there which is more powerful than you are, keeping a watchful and protective eye upon you. I feel that the division between Extraterrestrials and Angels is a very fine line, and I am a little surprised that people don’t appear to be realizing this yet. Still… Even one small step away from the boundaries which limit us can only be good…

So you want to communicate with aliens!?

In my experience, this has always been quite a simple thing to do… Just a matter of recognizing the right wavelength… I feel that it can be quite simple for you to do too…

A good way of beginning, is to get into the habit of really looking and really listening. Hear everything that you hear… Visualize and feel that you are opening your ears so that they are wide open. Try to pick up as many sounds as possible. After practice, when you are comfortable with this, start to listen to the “in-between” all that you hear… It is only a matter of time before you start to pick up other vibrations and frequencies. Clairvoyance means simply to see clearly. It may have a mass association with seeing the future, seeing spirits, ghosts, etc, but basically it just means to see clearly. To see Aliens, UFOs, etc therefore, is just a matter of seeing clearly. Certain people, for whatever reason, at some point in time, do just this. It could be for all kinds of reasons: a reaction to great stress, a great need… They may not – and probably will not – even be aware of these reasons, but these two factors may be the catalyst which opens doors to the Alien and even abduction experience.

There are certain spots around the world which are known for alien sightings and encounters. I suppose these are always worth a visit simply because these are the places you expect things to happen. Perhaps there, your mind is more open for them to happen. Quite a few people have Alien encounters and are abducted but are not consciously aware of it, or they forget. When these people are subject to hypnosis – or other catalysts are used or occur – the whole experience begins to surface.

This is a very interesting point. Did they really forget? Or was it that they were more focused on another reality whilst that was also happening? Imagine a picture frame with a picture in and then a picture on top of that picture and a picture on top of that one… The one at the back becomes not so present, unless you really focus on it…

I remember one time a few years ago the time of the “Harmonic Convergence”. The whole sky was lit up with space craft and the atmosphere was full of alien beings… They walked, they crawled, they were everywhere and in many shapes and forms… It was quite wonderful and amazing. I often felt that I saw all of this and so much, quite simply, because I was totally open to the experience. One thing is for sure: there is no need for fear. We are not alone, maybe we never have been, but there certainly is room for us all.

Naming Star Systems, etc has never quite rung true for me. I really don’t feel that it’s that simple. I feel that that is like putting the whole phenomena in a box and labeling it… As for “purpose”, why are they here, are they for or against us… As far as the great universal shift which has been prophesied for so long is concerned… I have no doubt that on many levels this will be and will happen, but as far as the great destruction is concerned, I don’t feel that it is going to be or that it needs to be in that way…

I feel that a lot of that is fear, the fear of change. Negative visualization. There is no doubt that we are creators, we have the ability to create and we do create. So let’s create something wonderful, if you have the same thought over and over again you can turn it into a reality. It may take a while, but it will be so. Thoughts are powerful things. So instead of visualizing a dreadful end, how about a beautiful, harmonic and gentle transition? I really don’t feel that the question of what is real and what is not is relevant. I think the most relevant point is that anything is possible, and that creation and the creative process is very real.

Remember, “the swiftest thing to fly is the mind, those who know this have wings…” Quite simply, your mind can travel incredibly fast. You can travel to and beyond the stars; you can travel faster than the speed of light. You have this ability. It’s time to explore; explore those distant universes, create new ones. You are not limited to only the earth existence you perceive and believe yourself to be in. Remember, “time and space has no distance”. So isn’t it time for you to fly and discover the Alien experience yourself? Apart from myself, there are other teachers out there who can give you some guidance. You will only need a very little, some need none at all. Allow yourself to fly, to fly free. Let this be your gift to yourself.

<a href="https://petrene.com/author/petrene-soames/" target="_self">Petrene Soames</a>

Petrene Soames

Top World Psychic, Medium, Healer, Teacher, Self Healing & Paranormal Expert, Author...

If you need help with any of the ideas or issues raised in this article, please don’t hesitate to reach out! Petrene has been successfully bringing awareness and helping people put their lives back together for over 40 years… As a Top World Psychic and Healer, her expert, unique and powerful techniques and psychic awareness are unsurpassed… She can bring you all the answers that you need, empowering and helping you to cut through decades of pain and years of therapy… read more

World Top Psychic Petrene Soames

Written by:Petrene Soames

Did you know that Petrene Soames is also the Author of three amazing Self Help books and “The Positive Thought Cards”?

Written with warmth, charm and profound insights, they are invaluable tools and a must have addition to everyone’s Self Healing toolkits…

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