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Top Ten Tips to Beat the Winter Blues

Late Fall - by Matte Stephens

( Illustration “Late Fall” – by Matte Stephens… )

Yes, winter is here again… We don’t have to feel “SAD” though… This year, know the facts and then make positive changes to beat the winter blues…

Winter means shorter days, colder weather and for many people SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). This condition affects up to 6 percent of American adults and as many as 5 percent of children between 9 and 19 years old… At least another 10 to 20 percent of Americans are estimated to suffer from milder symptoms related to the changing season… Women, it appears, outnumber men in this, four to one… SAD has been recognized and written about in medical reports and journals since 1845. So those winter blues are not just in our imagination. They are a very real condition…

Research shows that the lack of light exposure in the winter and an imbalance in the amount of melatonin produced by the pineal gland could be the cause of SAD… A common treatment for SAD is light therapy… This is a way to replace the sun and make the body think it’s spring all year round… and indeed, light therapy may be one answer for some chronic sufferers… In fact, the majority of SAD patients report positive benefits after sitting quietly and with open eyes in front of 2,500 – 10,000 lux light boxes…

While not all of us suffer chronically with SAD, many of us are often prone to overeat in the winter and to feel seasonal related lows… Our bodies can often seem to crave fatty, processed, sweet and sugary or savory foods… Could it be that we are comfort eating to feel good and compensate for light and sun or do we just need more calories to keep our bodies warm? Although we can be drawn to processed and fattier foods in the winter, we can always choose their healthy counterparts…

Hot, tasty and satisfying foods like wholesome soups or meals which include beans, legumes, whole grains, some nuts and seeds and include plenty of fresh fruit and veggies in our diet are an excellent choice… Meals like this can cerainly give that feeling of fullness, warmth and satiation while meeting all the body’s needs for complex carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats and essential nutrients… If fresh fruit and vegetables are difficult to find in your area in the winter months, nutritionists report that frozen ones are the next best choice… Canned beans can also very healthily be substituted for home cooked when there is a lack of time to prepare.

When winter arrives there is also a part of us that longs to hibernate… During the long cold winter months it can seem that there can be nothing more enticing than to just go to bed, snuggle down in the covers and not wake up until spring! But life goes on and few of us are in the position to hibernate! It does make sense though to go with the flow and let our bodies have the extra sleep that they crave… When we allow ourselves adequate sleep, there is less chance of overeating and more chance of feeling better within ourselves…

One thing is for certain… Even if we accept that we are not at our best during the winter, there is a lot we can do to stay creative, fresh, alive and happy… Just follow these simple tips and beat the winter blues!

  1. Wear layers of clothes rather than heavy pieces to avoid feeling weighed down…
  2. Make the most of the season! Wrap up and go for a daily, brisk, invigorating walk or try a winter sport… Adapt exercise routines to winter conditions… Keep moving… Don’t forget to keep your head covered when it’s really cold… You can lose anywhere from 30 to 50 percent of body heat via your head!
  3. Learn something new! Start a new hobby… Developing an interest in something new will make you feel productive rather than lethargic… Try to stay sociable and interact with family and friends…
  4. Wear bright colors! Even when everyone else is wearing dark earthy tones! Color is guaranteed to give you a real lift and so can be even more important in winter than in summer! You might be surprised at how many of your friends and family will admire you for bringing color into your life and wardrobe!
  5. Bring color into where you live! Paint a room with bright cheerful colors! Bring flowers into your home, fresh when possible, dried or artificial ones when it’s not… Surround yourself with beauty…
  6. Try this simple exercise: Take a few minutes and ask yourself: “Which color do I need?” Imagine you are bathing and floating in that color… Remember, it’s not necessary to see the color in vivid details in your mind, just the basic outline and feeling is fine… Even using just the name of it is enough… When ready, breathe the color deeply all through your body… This short exercise is guaranteed to make you feel great!
  7. If the sun is not shinning where you are, visualize in your mind a beautiful sunny scene… Again, just the basic outline, feeling, or even just the thought is enough… Focus on, feel or even just think of the warmth of that sunny scene and breathe deeply those good feelings and that scene all through your body until you feel full… This is literally like filling yourself up with good positive feelings…
  8. Feed yourself a diet of positive news! Avoid watching or reading anything to do with horror, disasters, violence, crime, etc… Invite and allow love into your life… If you are alone, keep working on loving you and the rest will follow…
  9. Use Positive Thoughts to lift your mood and keep you balanced and centered… Use my Positive Thought Cards and repeat firmly twice a day any that you have drawn from there or use any of following Positive Thoughts: “My Body Heals, Clears and Balances itself”, “I am a Free and Powerful Being”, “I Love Myself Completely Without Condition”…
  10. Say no to colds, flu and other winter illnesses! You don’t have to be sick because of the season or because others around you are sick! Focus on positive words and positive thoughts.,, Love and nurture yourself… Make time for you and decide to feel great this winter…
<a href="https://petrene.com/author/petrene-soames/" target="_self">Petrene Soames</a>

Petrene Soames

Top World Psychic, Medium, Healer, Teacher, Self Healing & Paranormal Expert, Author...

If you need help with any of the ideas or issues raised in this article, please don’t hesitate to reach out! Petrene has been successfully bringing awareness and helping people put their lives back together for over 40 years… As a Top World Psychic and Healer, her expert, unique and powerful techniques and psychic awareness are unsurpassed… She can bring you all the answers that you need, empowering and helping you to cut through decades of pain and years of therapy… read more

World Top Psychic Petrene Soames

Written by:Petrene Soames

Did you know that Petrene Soames is also the Author of three amazing Self Help books and “The Positive Thought Cards”?

Written with warmth, charm and profound insights, they are invaluable tools and a must have addition to everyone’s Self Healing toolkits…

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