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Top Ten Tips for Learning to Live and Love again…

( Illustration by the talented Andy Westface )

Many times in our lives we can experience loss, unfairness, disappointment and pain. These things at anytime, but especially as we get older, can seem hard to “get over” and hard to “bounce back” from… It can be hard to give life, love, other people and indeed ourselves, another chance… It can be hard to open up our hearts and really live our lives once again to the full.

Here are my top ten tips to get back on track…

  1. At least once a day open your mouth wide, keeping your head straight and shoulders relaxed and breathe as deeply as you can from the bottom of your stomach. Have the strong thought in your mind “I am letting go easily of everything I no longer need”. If you cannot breathe deeply please consider doing a Rebirthing session with me as you may have an emotional block which can be easily cleared with this form of connected breathing.
  2. Take a long, slow, calm look at yourself without judgement and blame. Be honest about where you are at and how you feel. Decide where you would like to be and then resolve to get there…
  3. Rediscover what brings you joy! Write down seven, even very small, things that bring you joy and make a point of including them often in your life from this point on…
  4. Get outside, feel the air, notice the trees, look at the sky… Insist on looking for and indeed finding, the beauty in life again.
  5. Trust and believe that life goes on and does have more in store for you… That it is not over. Prepare for the best that is still yet to come…
  6. Use the exercises from my book “The Essence of Self-Healing: How to bring Health and Happiness into your Life” or whatever other practises work for you to feel safe and secure. Find safety within yourself…
  7. Allow a “new look” and a “new you” to develop and emerge… Enjoy the discovery and the process.
  8. Make a point of smiling more. Relax your face, dare to hope and dare to dream…
  9. Don’t just repeat and think positive thoughts, feel them and get comfortable with them… They will then become your reality.
  10. Start now. Give others and yourself a chance. Be open to the new and to change. Feel your heart open and expand, relax, breathe and enjoy…
<a href="https://petrene.com/author/petrene-soames/" target="_self">Petrene Soames</a>

Petrene Soames

Top World Psychic, Medium, Healer, Teacher, Self Healing & Paranormal Expert, Author...

If you need help with any of the ideas or issues raised in this article, please don’t hesitate to reach out! Petrene has been successfully bringing awareness and helping people put their lives back together for over 40 years… As a Top World Psychic and Healer, her expert, unique and powerful techniques and psychic awareness are unsurpassed… She can bring you all the answers that you need, empowering and helping you to cut through decades of pain and years of therapy… read more

World Top Psychic Petrene Soames

Written by:Petrene Soames

Did you know that Petrene Soames is also the Author of three amazing Self Help books and “The Positive Thought Cards”?

Written with warmth, charm and profound insights, they are invaluable tools and a must have addition to everyone’s Self Healing toolkits…

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