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Top Ten Tips for Developing your own Psychic and Healing Abilities and Awareness…

Develop Your Psychic Abilities withWorld Top Psychic Petrene Soames

( Illustration by Mai-Ja )

Developing your own Psychic Abilities, Healing skills and Awareness is a lot simpler than you may have thought or realized… There has been so much mystery surrounding ESP and the Healer within for so many years that unfortunately, many Psychics and Mystics throughout the ages have allowed the layperson to believe that ESP is a gift that belongs to only a few… This is simply not true… The “Paranormal” is in fact very “normal” and is an everyday part of us all…

Hollywood and fiction writers have become more focused on the paranormal during recent years… It makes for great story lines for blockbuster movies… Sensationalism however, does not often help the public to realize how Psychic all of us really are… The “supernatural” is still seen as weird, wonderful and often scary rather than common and normal… One important thing to first understand and accept, is that you are not an ordinary being… No matter how ordinary you feel! In fact, you are quite amazing… When you are ready to give that reality a chance, anything becomes possible…

Being the amazing being that you are, you can most certainly consciously create your own future… You don’t need to rely on the predictions of others… You can be a much better judge of people than you ever imagined… You can bring real insight into your life and into the lives of others… You can know how to act in ways that will bring you the positive outcomes that you long for.,,

When is the best time to sell your house, relocate, change your career? When is the best time to have children? Is your present relationship really right for you? How can you make it better? Why do you attract seemingly negative people and situations to yourself? You can answer all of these questions and more… Imagine what it feels like to be really planning and participating in your life… To live life to the full! Even if until now you have had a very difficult life, have come from a dysfunctional family, have been plagued by health problems or what has seemed like bad luck, you too can change your life and be happy…

Developing your Psychic Abilities and Awareness only takes a commitment to yourself. It is a commitment to make time for you and to embark on a journey of wonder and discovery… The keys to opening up Psychic and Healing abilities are simple. ..They include understanding time, focusing your attention, relaxing, clearing and letting go and opening up to all that you are and all that is…

Here are my Top Ten Tips to Developing your Own Psychic and Healing Abilities and Awareness…

  1. Take off your watch for at least two weeks… By doing this, you will start to gain a real sense of your own time. This is important to begin to connect with yourself and to understand world time, universal time and how reality is shaped and created…
  2. Make meditation a part of your life, even if it’s just 10-20 minutes every other day… No need to follow complicated techniques… Just sit down and relax. Be still… Let your thoughts come and go and breathe deeply from the bottom of your stomach… In this way you will develop awareness by being connected with yourself, the moment and all that is… I include many more simple meditation and healing techniques in my book “The Essence of Self Healing”..
  3. Pay attention to where you are and who you are being on a daily basis… Each day, ask yourself, “Where I am being right now?”, “Who am I being right now?” and “Which role am I playing right now?”. By doing this you can have more awareness of any past experience or parts of you that need healing…
  4. Start thinking in color! When you meet someone new, ask yourself, “What color are they being right now?”. Just accept the answer that comes to your mind… In time, you will develop the ability to see the colors of the aura of people and objects…
  5. Listen to yourself and to your body… When you feel ill or out of balance, ask yourself why… Accept your answers… Always fulfill your needs, as unfulfilled needs create chaos…
  6. Try and use Tarot Cards, palmistry, astrology, crystals, runes and other means of divination at least once… These are mediums to help develop your clairvoyance ( clear seeing )… Don’t get stuck on specific meanings, only use them as a guide… This way, you can develop your own more precise insight and gain the confidence to believe in your own thoughts and feelings…
  7. Letting go is an important part of development… Even saying firmly in your mind twice a day, “I am letting go of everything I no longer need” will make a big difference… Make time for yourself regularly… Any form a self-expression is useful… Write, run, swim, play… Let yourself go in the ways that feel good to you… Remember, when you let go, you become awake, aware and conscious…
  8. Try a psychic development course. Remember to go at your own speed… The basics are simple. Repetition is important… Remember too that psychic abilities, healing and awareness are already yours… You can choose to develop these abilities and use them more often…
  9. Never compare yourself with anyone else… Realize that you too are unique and amazing… Read books, watch videos and listen to talks and audio on the subject of development, but realize that those are only guides… They are there for you to use as an outline to find your own ways… Be creative and listen to what you feel.
  10. Know that anything is possible and that nothing is ever only as it seems… Look after your body with a balanced diet and regular exercise… Each day, whenever possible, do something for your body, mind and emotional self…
<a href="https://petrene.com/author/petrene-soames/" target="_self">Petrene Soames</a>

Petrene Soames

Top World Psychic, Medium, Healer, Teacher, Self Healing & Paranormal Expert, Author...

If you need help with any of the ideas or issues raised in this article, please don’t hesitate to reach out! Petrene has been successfully bringing awareness and helping people put their lives back together for over 40 years… As a Top World Psychic and Healer, her expert, unique and powerful techniques and psychic awareness are unsurpassed… She can bring you all the answers that you need, empowering and helping you to cut through decades of pain and years of therapy… read more

World Top Psychic Petrene Soames

Written by:Petrene Soames

Did you know that Petrene Soames is also the Author of three amazing Self Help books and “The Positive Thought Cards”?

Written with warmth, charm and profound insights, they are invaluable tools and a must have addition to everyone’s Self Healing toolkits…

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