If you are tired of having just an “ok” year… If once again this year seems to be shaping up to be “more-of-the-usual”, “normal” or even a “boring” year… Here’s how to wake up, get tuned in and experience all of those things that you have only dreamed about!
Remember… Wealth, health and happiness are right here, quite litteraly, just waiting to happen!
- Understand time! Stop wearing your watch! Give yourself the gift of time and get in touch with your own natural balance and flow… Stop wearing a watch for at least two weeks and take ten minutes each day to sit and be still with yourself… Get comfortable… Close your eyes… Breathe deeply from the bottom of your stomach… Let your thoughts come and go… Soon you will be in touch with yourself and your own speed… You need to do this if you want to begin to start consciously creating your own reality… Use time to notice things and develop your awareness…
- Accept the powerful being that you are and know that you never make mistakes… Start liking and believing in yourself… Every day repeat, “I am a free and powerful being”… When others don’t give you what you want, give it to yourself… Stop trying to be perfect… You already are… You have everything you need inside of you, to have a wonderful life… So start letting it out…
- Make space for the new, the unexpected, the amazing… Give away, throw away or sell, everything that you no longer need or that’s broken… Clean out clutter… Be tough! By doing this, you will make room not only in your house, but also in your life… Room for the new and the amazing to happen… Clear out clutter regularly… This is the start of something big…
- Decide to see auras and view life clairvoyantly ( ie clearly )… Stop trying to see auras and colors and start thinking in color… Ask yourself often, what colors are people around you being? Really look… As you start to think in color, it’s only a matter of time before you start seeing in color… Make a point of looking at people and objects as if for the very first time… Clairvoyance ( clear seeing ) will follow…
- Get to know yourself and your body and use your abilities to self-heal… What is your body trying to tell you? Listen to your body and believe in your own answers… Use simple exercises like the ones in my book “The Essence of Self-Healing” … Repeat every day, “My body heals, clears and balances itself”… Stay fit and active… Always treat your body in the best possible ways… Self-healing means know-how and self-belief… Start believing in yourself…
- Create your reality… Make things happen… Who needs predictions?To make things happen, see, imagine, think, visualise or feel yourself having all that you want and need… Know that without any doubt, you do deserve these things and that life is not meant to be a struggle… Repeat each day, “I draw easily to myself all that I need”… Firmly decide that there is no room for pain in your life… Allow yourself to dream and daydream and know that you can and do make things happen… If your zodiac sign horoscope predicts a bad day, go for the best predictions and be another zodiac sign for the day…
- Realize that nothing is ever only as it seems… There is no such thing as good or bad luck… “Luck” is only a name which we give to an expressions of reality or series of events where we have not yet studied and understood why things happened as they did… Start to examine without becoming paranoid even the smallest events in your life and notice how one connects with another… You will be amazed at the perfectness of everything… Even traumatic or negative situations contain real positives for everyone… Decide to look at all situations from many different angles…
- Meet the alien in yourself and others… Move away from a limited and fixed reality viewpoint and start to see the alien in yourself and others… This is another exercise from my book, “The Essence of Self Healing”… Sit facing a mirror with soft lighting… Relax… Breathe deeply… Simply look into the reflection of your eyes… See how your own face will begin to shape-shift or even disappear… At some point, as you do this exercise, you will see the part of you that is alien… As you get used to viewing in this way, you’ll be able to do this automatically with others just by looking, without a mirror… You can perceive all that they have ever been and all that they have yet to become, as well as the alien… Use this exercise twice a week for 10-30 minutes…
- Start contacting loved ones who have passed on… Time travel is simple…You do have the abilitiy to contact those who have passed on… Death is not an end or unbreachable barrier to communication… Stop letting your fear and doubts veil the process… Sit opposite an empty chair while holding a picture or article/s belonging to the person you want to contact… Imagine that your mind is wide open… Talk to the departed as if they were here and be open to receiving thoughts or pictures from them in your mind… Practice, practice, practise…
- Find simple ways not to get stuck, caught up and bogged down… Learn how to let go… Remember that you are a dynamic, constantly moving, changing, unique and multi-dimensional being… Each day can be amazing… You need to let go on a regular basis… Repeat each day, “I am letting go of everything I no longer need”… Mean it… Lay on the floor on your stomach… Imagine that stress, tension and unwanted thoughts and feelings are washing away from you like a flowing river… Use this exercise, again, from my book “The Essence of Self Healing“, at the end of each day… It takes 10 minutes and will positively change your life forever…
If you follow these tips, you’ll be amazed at what this Paranormal Year will bring you…