I have been asked many times recently on radio and in printed press interviews about the traumatic, frightening and negative encounters people report having with Aliens and Extra Terrestrials. Encounters in which they report being forced to be a part in medical experiments, surgeries and other sinister experiences.
I really had to go deep within myself to answer this question.
On a personal level, all of my encounters with other life forms have been of a positive to extremely positive nature. I feel however that there may well be some kind of parallel within the psyche in regards to hospitals and doctors which goes back to the days when primitive surgery was performed without any kind of anesthetic. The fear of having things done to you by someone with more power than you and the fear of being without any control. Looking back, even just twenty years, doctors were considered nothing less than gods by the uninformed. Some people today might still view them as so.
I have regressed a number of people back to their negative alien encounters and abduction experiences and I have found a common link within each of them to the fear factor. A link which existed long before the actual negative experience took place. In other words, that part of them was already open to experience that event in that particular way. My encounters with Aliens have always been of the most positive nature, but I have always expected them to be. I would like to share with you two of my many experiences with Alien realities. One involves a “medical procedure”, the other one just happened a few weeks ago.
Some years ago, in the early days of my work as a professional Psychic and Healer, I worked a lot more on a level of empathy than I do now. I used to take on the pains and imbalance of others and suffered regularly with a nervous stomach. An obvious reaction within the area that is also known as the seat of emotions… It was late on a Saturday night. I was living in London. My roommate was away. I was sitting up in bed reading when I felt the whole of my body go into a state of paralysis and a deep sense of calm. This is often how it happens when I am visited. The room was flooded with bright light and the plants in the room also lit up and became incredibly alive and iridescent. Three beings materialized in front of me. They were clothed in some kind of shimmering metallic tight fitting garment and seemed to be both male and female at the same time. Their face was the classic almond eye type of Alien. I knew one of them, he stood a little taller than the others. I felt very conformable, like I was with an old friend. We began to communicate telepathically and all understood everything that was “said” between us. After a while they produced and showed me three oval shaped discs of different sizes. These were also luminous and of some metal unknown here. Between us we agreed on which disk was the correct size. The one in charge moved slightly forward and placed the disc onto and then into my stomach. I felt a surge of energy and perfectly still calmness. We continued to communicate. I was given a great deal of information about future worldwide events and also of a personal nature. The meeting came to an end and they left by simply fading out… I was left with a very real mark on my stomach, perhaps measuring two inches wide. I later showed the mark to my friend. It lasted for a good eight hours. I realized that the disc that I had fitted was some kind of deflector and it certainly worked as I never again had the stomach problems.
In another experience, just a few weeks ago, I received the message to simply go to the end of the road in the early evening and wait as there were travelers coming through… I was quite pleased, in the past I had often taken even planes to be in the right place at the right time for these meetings! I went to the end of the road in the little cul de sac where I live and took a friend with me. It was a warm evening and we took chairs. I knew we would have to wait about ten minutes, and we did. We then heard the neighborhood dogs barking and I smiled as this is what usually happens; animals are sensitive to the things that we don’t always see… I just then happened to look into the sky and straight ahead, a black hole literally opened up in front of me. Three beings came through, my friend also saw all of this, although we did not speak of it until later. As the beings came through, I remember my feelings of wonder and delight. I could see how far and how long they had traveled to be here. They came through with a few simple words: “We are here to join you”. They simply merged with my body and my being. Many interesting events have taken place since then with myself and others.
I know that we do all have our own answers to all of our own questions. I feel that the Alien experience and reality is a part of a much bigger picture and certainly every bit as solid as the reality that we believe ourselves to be in at this moment. I also know very clearly that the Alien experience is a part of us as we are a part of them. Our opening to this part of ourselves is yet another step on the wonderful journey to realizing all that we are and to the realization that we are indeed, “all that is”.