A few weeks ago, Patricia came to tell me her story. She had been diagnosed with terminal cancer. Over time she had used self-healing techniques, positive thinking and had taken help from various other therapies. She had changed her diet and lifestyle. Very recently she visited her doctor, was tested and given the “all clear”. Her cancer was gone. Patricia had a lot of courage, she fought back. She had a lot of self belief and she took time to work on herself. At this point in her life no one was more important to her than her. The result was remarkable but not more than to be expected. Self healing works…
Illness is about being unaware. It can go back to different times, places and events in your life. With a little practice, you can get in touch with yourself and discover the roots of the illness. Self belief has a lot to do with this process; you do indeed have all the answers to your own questions. If you don’t have self-belief, have a look at why not. What events have made you disbelieve in you and get away from yourself? Trace these events and deal with them. Many therapies such as Rebirthing, Regression, Psychic or Intuitive Counseling, Spiritual Healing and Cleansing are here and available to you. Self-healing works not just with basic and simple things such as headaches and pains, but also with life threatening illness such as cancer, aids, etc. etc.
Self-healing and personal growth are one and the same and we all have access to them. Why are you then not healing and clearing yourself? The reason is quite simple, we don’t take time for ourselves… We always put ourselves on hold and don’t take notice or action until we have an actual problem. Even then, we let things really build up before taking our own situation into account. It is very easy to get caught up in life and with others. It can seem a lot harder to take time out to heal and clear yourself. It is quicker to take an aspirin when you have a headache than to ask yourself where is this headache and tension coming from? It seems faster to take a quick fix than it does to sit down, locate the pain and tension build up and deal with it yourself, perhaps by sending some healing rays of energy and color to the painful area. The quote is, “Healer, Heal Thyself”. Remember that every time you want to reach for the aspirin…
Self-Healing and You…
In order to self-heal, it is important to be aware of and in touch with your “Chakras” or energy centers. We are referring here to 5 of what are widely considered to be the main 7 chakras:
- The Crown Chakra. Spiritual and Universal Connection, located on the top of the head and above.
- The Third Eye: Forehead
- The Communication center: Throat
- The Heart Center: Chest
- The Emotion center: Stomach
To become aware of and in touch with these centers, follow this simple exercise:
Clearing your Chakras & Color
Close your eyes, take a long slow deep breath from the bottom of your stomach with your mouth open. Imagine that your stomach is wide open, that there is nothing there except a big empty space. Take your time and feel how your stomach feels, what kind of color do you perceive it to be? It will be different at different times. If you perceive any nervousness or negativity in this center, just send bright light or color and/or place your hand gently on your stomach until it is calm. Repeat this exercise with each one of the chakras, moving upwards and clearing any blocks you find with bright color, light and energy.
Some of the positive healing colors that are universally accepted and can be used are yellow, gold, blue, silver, orange, lilac and purple. Color vibration works very well in the healing process as we are all made of color vibrations. Use your own feelings and intuition to feel which color a particular chakra needs. You will most definitely enhance your life if you begin to think in color…
Crystals can also be used in self-healing. They each have individual vibrations and energies. They also magnify the energy that you use and send during your healing process. Some crystals commonly used for self-healing are clear quartz, rose quartz, citrine, aqua marine, and lapis lazuli. I recommend the ones which are in their natural form, not the cut or polished ones. Try placing the crystal on the affected part of your body. To look into this subject even more, you might want to purchase a book on crystal healing or do some research online. My new book “The Essence of Self-Healing: How to bring Health and Happiness into your Life” has a section on crystal healing and much more!
Remember, you have access to unlimited healing energy. Before you begin to work on yourself, imagine the top of your head – The Crown Chakra – as open and draw down healing light and energy through your body and into your hands and fingertips. This is your very own universal connection…
Clearing your Mind
Meditation – clearing the mind – at the end of the day is an invaluable tool. It is a way to relax and let go of everything that has built up so that you don’t carry it forward with you to the next day and the next… There are many meditation techniques available, a simple one that I like to use uses a faceted crystal. You can also use the flame on a candle if you don’t have a crystal of this type.
Sit comfortably, not crossing your arms or legs ( it is ok to sit in the “lotus” or meditation position ), while not wearing shoes, a watch or any jewellery and take a few deep breaths from the bottom of your stomach with your mouth open. Focus your attention on one small spot within the crystal or flame. Stay sitting and focussing in this way for 10-20 minutes, building up to that if it at first seems hard. Start with 5 minutes and build from there. Let your mind relax, let your thoughts come and go while staying focussed on the spot you have chosen and during that time say clearly and firmly to yourself a few times, “I am letting go of everything I no longer need”. You could also simply visualize all the thoughts and emotions that you no longer need ( you don’t need to pinpoint them each individually ) in the shape of a large balloon and just let it go high above the universe…
There are many simple ways to clear your mind and emotions. If you do clear and express yourself, things won’t build up and create illness in your body and your life. We all need to feed our soul as well as our body and mind to achieve real balance. This could mean listening to a beautiful piece of music, studying a flower or a beautiful picture or walking in a beautiful and quiet place… Whatever feeds you and makes you feel more satisfied on an emotional and soul level. Be prepared to release the past and move on. It is only a matter of time before you are well. There is nothing magic happening here, it is only the ability we all have being put to work…
Positive Thoughts
Positive Thoughts work. Expect the best and you will draw the best to you. Those who are constantly fearing illness and disease can draw and create that reality for themselves. So keep your thoughts on the highest possible levels. Why should you be ill? Why should you suffer? If you feel that you do need to suffer or be punished, sit down and look at it clearly. Where does it come from? If you are ill, have a firm thought that you will become well. Keep this thought clearly in your mind each time you work upon yourself. Isolate the problem and send healing energy – color and positive thought – to the painful area of your body. Each time you do, you are another step closer to becoming well.
Prevention is Better than Cure…
Preventative action is always time well spent. Be aware and you will not become ill. Take time to feel in touch with nature and with yourself…
Diet is important, but you can also eat what you want and stay well. Only however if all else is in balance and you truly realize just how in control of food and your body you are… For those who are not so in tune yet, it makes sense not to overdo the animal/saturated fats and sugar, to be moderate with alcohol and to keep to a varied and balanced, heavily ( if not completely ) plant based diet. Guilt plays a big part in our relationship with food. There is truly no point or need to feel guilty if you overeat sometimes on chocolate, cookies, etc. If you are afraid of gaining weight you surely will…
Rest is also important. Having adequate sleep does not necessary mean getting adequate rest. How many go to bed, sleep and wake up in the morning feeling exhausted? This is common. What happens is that you don’t clear your mind and it’s still working – thinking about work, problems, everyday life – while sleeping. We also astro travel at night, we visit many different people, places, dimensions, and realities, gathering all that we need. If you wake up feeling exhausted, here is a simple remedy: When you go to bed and you really need to rest, tell yourself firmly, “Tonight is for me and for me alone! I put all else aside, I will rest and heal”. Try this and see the difference.