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Meeting of the Minds, part 1: Max the Crystal Skull

Max is a crystal skull. Some people claim that he comes from the pre-Columbian Mesoamerican period. Max is one of 13 skulls which are known around the world at this time and which legend says have been variously found in Mayan temples, the pyramid of Egypt and other ancient tombs around the world. Scientific testing by the British Museum however of some of the skulls suggests that they were actually made in Europe in the 19th Century AD.

Max is carved from one solid piece of clear quartz crystal, weighs 18 pounds and is an exact replica of a human skull. He is owned privately by a couple in Houston, TX, USA and is the only ancient skull available to the public. The rest are in museums or in private collections. The BBC have made a documentary on the crystal skulls – with Max being the main feature. This documentary was shown in the UK in late May 1996 and in the US in September 1996 on A&E.

According to his owner, Max was found in an ancient tomb in Guatemala. He was handed to a learned Tibetan monk, a so called “red hat”, one from the highest order. He used Max as a healing tool and focus in sacred ceremonies for some years. He then passed him on to his present owner, Jo Ann Parks, before he died. She lives in Houston, and was told that “one day [she would] understand and know what Max was for”. She kept the skull in a box in her closet for several years not knowing what she had, until ventually she saw a program on television about another similar skull…

The Transcript

Meeting between Petrene and Max in a group setting, which took place in Austin, TX, May 11th, 1996:

The skull was sitting on a low table, facing the group and surrounded by three small candles. Petrene stood in front of Max and took few deep breaths from the bottom of her stomach. She then held the skull in her hands and placed her forehead on Max’s. She took a few more deep breaths.

“The energy that’s coming out of him is unbelievable… If you could imagine something like a tree with branches, with roots, the energy is going right across the floor of the whole room. It’s hitting the wall on the other side and then it’s coming back. If you open up your mind and open up your heart center now, you should get a feeling of that… It’s absolutely amazing, the whole room is charging with energy. I don’t know if you can see any of it from where you are sitting, but the skull and all around my body is flashing. It’s lighting up in purples and gold, it’s an amazing feeling. Just open your minds, open your hearts and just try now tuning into that energy, just let yourself completely relax…”

“One of things that Max keeps on repeating is this: “I am alive, I am alive, and YOU are alive too…” And he is really, really telling me that it’s not going to be that long before everybody realizes exactly what that means…”

“Now we are going into another place… This other place is a vast, huge, empty space… The nothing which is filled with everything… There’s lots and lots of black and there’s purple and there’s a mist. This is a totally different universe, completely outside of our galaxy, another dimension, things are slowly moving, things are slowly being formed. It’s like a whole new universe that’s being formed. This is very, very far away from this planet and yet it’s not far at all. It’s not even seconds from your mind. Just see if you can feel that place, feel that space…”

“The energy that’s coming from that place is also coming into the room, it’s coming into the earth, so our vibration becomes higher and higher. This is not just in this room at this time, this is in the future and this is what is going on now. This is what is happening right here. And it’s there for you to tune into that energy and to bring that energy into your life. It’s time for you to be who you are and to use the abilities that you have. And it’s time most of all to stop blaming yourself and to forgive yourself. The energy is there, and it’s waiting for you now to use…”

“We are now talking about the mind… Max is saying to all of you here: “watch my mind”… As Jo Ann said, “Max is beautiful”, but Max is a focus. Max is me, Max is you, Max is all of us! Max is everything that has been and everything that will be… He says “Watch your mind. It’s time for you to be aware of your mind, what your mind is really all about, how connected it is to this earth, to this planet, to other planets, other universes… It is time to go into that mind, to discover and unlock those doors of your mind. Do it for yourself. The most important thing of all is: this is not difficult to do, this is just you just letting go, just letting things be… Finally, just to say… It is time. Now is the time”.

“Before we leave here, if you would all of you right now just close your eyes, and just let yourself go completely. Just be in that space above the top of your head and just let yourself go higher and higher and higher… Just go into the darkness and the purple and the black and just see the everything that is there… and know that this is what you can use. This is material that you can create with… This is also where you can find your own inner self, where you can find your higher purpose… Everyone, just for a moment, just go into that space above the top of your head, close your eyes, and let to, let go completely… And for just one second open your heart, just be, just be you totally, completely, and absolutely you.”a

“Maybe, maybe the shocking thing, the most shocking thing about all of this is that Max is showing this thing to me… He is showing me how it’s going to be, all those things that you imagine in the future, all those things that have been written and have been said… It is like we are are creating that reality! At the same time, it doesn’t have to be like that, that reality doesn’t have to exist. It’s up to every single one us, every single one of you in this room to create your own positive reality. You can change the course of future events. The earthquakes, the disasters, the people dying, the people ascending, the people staying here, it doesn’t have to be like that at all… It’s a story. It’s a story in exactly the same way as this is a story! The reality in which we all imagine that we are sitting here and being a part of this right now. But this really is your movie, you really can change everything… The future, future events, are up to you… How do you want it to be?”

“Finally, I’d like to say thank you. Thank you to Max for giving me this opportunity to tune in, thank you for all the energy in the room this evening, thank you to you all for all being here and joining with us in this amazing experience, thank you to Jo Ann, the caretaker of Max… Thank you all once again for this amazing evening…”

After the Meeting:

“It was very clear and very simple”, Petrene said. “I received a great deal of information between the words which I relayed to the public during the session…”

“I think Max is quite simply a focal point. He is a bank of information. I don’t believe for a moment that anybody was communicating to me through Max… Crystals are great conductors of energy. Max has obviously gathered impressions. It’s the same with everything. You have your favorite necklace that has been given to you by somebody special, you wear it all the time. It also gathers impressions… So we are speaking here of psychometry. The above is what I first received when I touched the skull. Max can be real and can and does have an identity and yet Max is you and Max is me. Max represents, indeed mirrors, “mankind”.”

“A line of communication was opened up between myself and Max from when I first encountered Max in Houston two weeks before the Austin event. I was very much aware of this. I had a deep emotional feeling of love after meeting Max and I was actually deeply aware that this was actually me loving myself…”

“The experience of communication with Max was one of me being and experiencing myself to a greater degree than ever before… Max was certainly a way for me to go into that direction, a yet was a door which I did open in my own psyche. It was something I already had. However, if I hadn’t used him, Max the crystal skull as a focus, possibly I wouldn’t have opened that particular doorway and in that particular way… The communication that came through in words was simple. Very simple. IT was in fact: “You are alive”, “be who you are”, “know and use your mind” and “you can create your own reality, more now than ever before…”

Going through doorways…

“This doorway is special and unique as it puts everything into perspective, including mankinds’ wildest imagination, hopes and dreams… It’s all about realities and creating them… Even the farthest away ones are also only created by ourselves…”

“The process of creation is one of many processes and is only a very small part of what we do… “Doing” and “being”, two states which have also assumed a create deal of importance in our society and understanding, are also only two very small parts of the picture. The meeting with Max wasn’t a step forward or backward, it was a “by the way” thing for me… It brought me to a place where I have been forever and gave me a fresh and new awareness of it. It was also a devastating and lonely place. It was like a tree with branches. The branches were abilities within the psyche and the mind and the trunk, the “awareness” and having easy access to them. I went through many doorways and followed many lines, each representing a different part of the psyche and mind. Most were known to me, some I encountered and perceived with more clarity and depth than before. The one specific communication was “know your mind. Know your mind well..”  The main point was that it is time to get to know and use our mind and our uniqueness, and to re-create with the mass of material available to us… To know that the end of the world, the shift in consciousness, spaceships, extraterrestrial landings etc… That this may well all come into being. But it is not “it”. If it does come into being it is only because we have made it so, created by ourselves.”

“As a Top Psychic I would expect to be able to have a greater understanding and awareness of this experience than someone who has not investigated so many doorways… There is never and end to learning however and during the week that followed, more abilities opened up to me… I was also able to recall a great many visions from the meeting, too many to mention here.”

Final comments

Imagine that you are staring in your own movie. This is very much how things really are. The techniques, the therapies, the experiences, they are all available: Past Life and Time Regression, Future Time Progression, Digression – exploring parallel realities and universes… The opportunity to see reality – as it really is – is there and waiting for you now! It’s really just a matter of letting go of preconceived and fixed ideas and concepts.

Truly, you will then be able to see that you can make anything possible. That indeed, anything is possible! It really is time to start now and finally be all that you really are…

<a href="https://petrene.com/author/petrene-soames/" target="_self">Petrene Soames</a>

Petrene Soames

Top World Psychic, Medium, Healer, Teacher, Self Healing & Paranormal Expert, Author...

If you need help with any of the ideas or issues raised in this article, please don’t hesitate to reach out! Petrene has been successfully bringing awareness and helping people put their lives back together for over 40 years… As a Top World Psychic and Healer, her expert, unique and powerful techniques and psychic awareness are unsurpassed… She can bring you all the answers that you need, empowering and helping you to cut through decades of pain and years of therapy… read more

World Top Psychic Petrene Soames

Written by:Petrene Soames

Did you know that Petrene Soames is also the Author of three amazing Self Help books and “The Positive Thought Cards”?

Written with warmth, charm and profound insights, they are invaluable tools and a must have addition to everyone’s Self Healing toolkits…

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