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Looking Through The Sun…

Petrene Soames - Pet Psychic, Tattoo

“[Petrene’s] hand does not ever wear jewelry, neither rings nor bracelets. This is because anything that would be placed on it would detract from or confuse the very special beauty that this hand has… in fact that both hands have… The tattoo on the hand, for some an adornment, is actually a focus… and it is more beautiful than the most precious diamond because when you look at it carefully, you can see that in the face of the moon there is a mirror and that as you look into that mirror you can see and be your own true self… It is a pleasure and relief for all that look at it, this coming back to one’s true self…”

– anon

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I have a tattoo on my right hand. it depicts the Sun and the Moon and beside them, a growing vine… I had this drawn on my hand in India, around 1984, long before Tattoos became acceptable and fashionable in the way they are today… I just felt very strongly at the time to have it done. I realized some years later that the picture acted as a catalyst for many people.

Petrene Soames - Pet Psychic, Tattoo

They would look at my hand and then look at me. I would watch them then wander off in their minds to other times, places, realities and dimensions…

Many reported to me that it was a reminder to them – in someway – to get out of the everyday and to remember who they were, to remember that things are not only as they seem. It was also interesting how some people who were around me on a daily basis – even for years – would never notice the tattoo, until it seemed they were ready… Until they slowed down and stepped out of time.

Around six years after getting the tattoo done, I was alone in the Arizona desert. I was led to a hot place, the midday sun was fierce. After walking for sometime I stopped to rest and sat down. I found myself sitting at some kind of monument, a very special place as I learnt later. As I looked into the sky I was quite amazed to see the Sun and the Moon together side by side just as they are on my right hand!

I was wearing a pair of sunglasses, an inexpensive pair bought more for style and fun rather than for any real protection. The thought entered my mind to look through the Sun, followed by a little voice, which said: “You can’t do that! It’s dangerous! You could go blind!” I quickly checked within myself and knew that this was not true for me. I looked and with my mind traveled through the Sun. I very quickly then realized that both the Sun and Moon are communicators, doorways to other places and the world, the sky with it’s Sun and Moon and all reality as we know it appeared to me as a giant’s artist canvas. It was at that time for me an exciting realization, not new, but profound nevertheless…

Recently while sunbathing in my backyard, I mentioned to someone about looking through the Sun, and was stopped by the intensity of the immediate reaction and the spoken words! “You can’t do that! It’s dangerous! You could go blind!”. I remembered then various stories about people looking at the Sun and indeed going blind. I asked myself why should it be so and why does it happen in that way? I realized that those people did not move through fast enough, they did not change their own vibratory pattern, as we would say today. Simply put, they did not believe enough in themselves and the going blind was a penance. A punishment for having tried to look at something prohibited, basically, their own god…

There is a point deep within our mind which is locked into the belief that the Sun is the bringer and giver of life, providing all and that without it we are lost…

I am not suggesting that everyone should go out and look through the Sun, but I do feel that it’s time to have enough belief in yourselves to be aware of what these deep ingrained concepts and beliefs do…

The Sun and the Moon may be there indeed as tools for us to use! Besides their great beauty and the sense of wonder they inspire in us, they can also be of very practical use on our journeys of self-awareness and realization… It is just a matter of dealing with the small voice of romanticism, which says: “You can’t do that!”. Each and every one of us needs to question this voice as I feel that all can move on and realize even greater wonders…

Please note that I am NOT recommending that you stare at the sun! If you would like to try looking *through* the sun, do so wearing sunglasses and not for more than a couple of seconds, which is all that it needs to take…

If you are not ready to look through the Sun, or if you do already, just face the Full Moon and ask in your mind a question for a needed answer… Keep the question simple and ask one at a time. Keep your mind open to receive the answer. Turn your back to the moon and let the answer come through the back of your head to the front of your forehead… Realize how you obtain this answer and let go the “front and back” concepts of how we access answers and knowledge…


I remember a number of years ago laying on a hillside of mountainous Wales in the UK, surrounded by silence… With the occasional visit from a sheep, looking into the sky and arranging and rearranging cloud formations…

I was later to discover that this practice is a marker in the passage of the aspiring metaphysical adept. I smile as the process is very simple, a mere thought away in fact… Why does everything have to be made so difficult, when indeed it is all so simple?

<a href="https://petrene.com/author/petrene-soames/" target="_self">Petrene Soames</a>

Petrene Soames

Top World Psychic, Medium, Healer, Teacher, Self Healing & Paranormal Expert, Author...

If you need help with any of the ideas or issues raised in this article, please don’t hesitate to reach out! Petrene has been successfully bringing awareness and helping people put their lives back together for over 40 years… As a Top World Psychic and Healer, her expert, unique and powerful techniques and psychic awareness are unsurpassed… She can bring you all the answers that you need, empowering and helping you to cut through decades of pain and years of therapy… read more

World Top Psychic Petrene Soames

Written by:Petrene Soames

Did you know that Petrene Soames is also the Author of three amazing Self Help books and “The Positive Thought Cards”?

Written with warmth, charm and profound insights, they are invaluable tools and a must have addition to everyone’s Self Healing toolkits…

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