At some time, you may feel that you would like, or need a Psychic Reading. There are many advertisements for these in Psychic & Paranormal publications as well as in the local and national press. Which to choose? What is right for you? As a World Class Professional Psychic, I will attempt to define, in this very short article, a little of that which is a vast subject and often beyond definition…
A Psychic Reading will generally take between 30 minutes to one and a half hours, although an hour seems the most common practise… The price will vary. It’s good to call around and go with what you feel comfortable with and can afford.
Crystal balls, Tarot and other types of cards, Runes, etc. are often used by psychics. It is important to note that these are simply tools and are not magical in and of themselves… They are simply used as a focus by the psychic, sensitive, or clairvoyant reader. They allow clairvoyance to begin and help to focus the mind on any one point… “Clairvoyance” is a word that is often used. “Clairvoyance” means means “clear seeing”. ( “Clairaudience” means “clear hearing” and “clairsentience” “clear feeling”… ) It is an ability which generally we are born with and/or develop during our lifetimes. “Intuition” on the other hand, is a feeling and knowing which I believe is found in everyone to varying degrees…
You could for example find a Tarot Reader who uses little or no psychic abilities, and who only interprets the cards… This may be adequate for you but generally a genuine psychic will be more useful. Someone who is truly psychic can travel and see into the past, present and future. As I always say, “Time and Space has No Distance”… To quote another favorite of mine, an old Hopi Indian saying: “The swiftest thing to fly is the mind; those who know this have wings…”
Fear becomes irrelevant when you decide to know your future, because you can always change what you know… A good Professional Psychic will always be able to see and pinpoint other ways, paths and options that you might take. The future is not nearly so fixed as what is generally imagined. Life really can be good and you can be truly happy and have the best possible reality for yourself, despite how life might seem at this point… An outside perspective is always good, and a good psychic points out the different choices and options which you really do have and which are always there… This is something very useful…
“Spiritualist Mediums” are usually people who claim to work with guides, passed on spirits… They do not usually receive and are not so much concerned with information about the future but instead pass on guidance and messages from loved ones who have passed on… Their prime purpose is to supply survival evidence that life beyond exists and that there is no death.
Palmistry, Numerology and Astrology are classified more as sciences than they are psychic disciplines… They may however be mixed with varying degrees of psychic and paranormal influences and insights.
“Channelling”… Some psychics or sensitives claim to channel information from spiritual masters or leaders and even other beings and persons from other dimensions… They claim to bring these “teachings” to the sitter…
Be prepared and feel free to ask questions during your reading. A genuine Psychic Reader will be happy to answer your questions to the best of his or her ability… Go with an open mind; It’s the best way to be pleasantly surprised.
“Psychic Hot Lines” are more for entertainment value than anything else… Telephone, online and email readings by a professional Psychic can of course be very accurate. It’s wise to remember also that certificates and diplomas etc are by no means guarantees of excellence… There are good, bad, and mediocre psychics and readers, as there are in all other professions and areas of life… Go with who and what you feel comfortable with.
The great news is that things are never only as they seem and they only seem that way whilst you are in them… To have a professional outside perspective on yourself and life can be of invaluable comfort and help… Good psychics are known to save time, money, relationships, and even lives…