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Top Ten Tips to Heal your Individual and the National Psyche…

Top Ten Tips to Heal your Individual and the National Psyche…

I wrote these Top Ten Tips just after the tragic events of 9/11, 2001… These tips can be applied to and will help with many personal and national tragedy situations… Because they have to do with what can we do as individuals to take back control, heal and get back on track with our lives… Here are my top ten tips towards recovery…

1. Recognize that things will not ever be the same again… Decide however that you will move on and heal any pain, feelings of injustice, anger and imbalance within yourself… Decide to heal yourself and the world and that you and the world will win through…

Top Ten Tips for Developing your own Psychic and Healing Abilities and Awareness…

Top Ten Tips for Developing your own Psychic and Healing Abilities and Awareness…

Developing your own Psychic Abilities, Healing skills and Awareness is a lot simpler than you may have thought or realized… There has been so much mystery surrounding ESP and the Healer within for so many years that unfortunately, many Psychics and Mystics throughout the ages have allowed the layperson to believe that ESP is a gift that belongs to only a few… This is simply not true… The “Paranormal” is in fact very “normal” and is an everyday part of us all…

Top Tips for Dealing with Allergies

Top Tips for Dealing with Allergies

Springtime is the season of colors, flowers, life and love… It heralds the beginning of summer… But for many of us it seems, spring is also the most dreadful and feared “Allergy Season”…

In my experience, allergies, especially a runny nose, stinging eyes and blocked up sinuses, are almost always the body telling you, in an “in your face” way, “I am not OK, please give me some time, healing and attention”…