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A Choice to Heal

Time and time again we have observed the body’s own healing mechanisms.

When we cut ourselves or suffer insect bites, our body heals with little or no outside help. There are many stories of people who have recovered from “incurable” diseases and against all odds. These two small examples illustrate that without a doubt, our body has it’s own self-healing mechanisms. While we may have been told or know this in a vague and abstract way, few of us have explored this truth in any real depth. There are people who successfully use self-healing, but at the present time they are a minority. Two simple reasons illustrate why this is so:

Firstly, as individuals, we have all been subjected to conditioning that makes us doubt the fact that we can heal ourselves. We are often discouraged by the belief that self-healing is a difficult or complex process or that strict regimes must be followed to ensure success. Secondly, although we might suspect that we have the inner knowledge to heal ourselves, we may still believe that it is beyond us to access this knowledge, imagining that we must first undertake a journey of many long years of self-study. So instead, most of us stay ruled by our own fear, shame and pain.

Simply put, self-healing is not yet a major part of our world because we simply give it too little space and accept many different concepts, precepts and beliefs instead.

In order to accept self-healing, wholeness and perfect health, we first need to recognize our responsibility for the presence of imbalance within our lives and within ourselves.

Challenging our Thinking

Much of our reality has been created and endorsed by philosophers and scientists from hundreds of years ago. We look upon them as “great thinkers”, which indeed they may be, but never presume that we have the mental capacity to go beyond, their now established, way of thinking! We learn belief systems, theories and facts but are rarely invited to challenge them and few of us ever do.

It is understandable. With all our conditioning and acceptance of what we have been taught, only a few people truly open their minds, explore their own awareness, and discover realities beyond the limitations of what has previously been thought. Often people tend to accept and we all have heard that “there is nothing new under the sun”. This is not true and can be viewed as a mental block that prevents us from seeing beyond it.

It’s important that during the self-healing process we recognize these any other blocks in our thoughts, beliefs and creativity. Through the true and real answers that we have within ourselves, we can open the doorway to our own limitless realizations and realities… After all, there are no real experts on what is real and what is not, only a billion different opinions. And yours is as valid as everyone else’s… As we move into the third millennium, our thinking will be challenged again and again. We will see that the great seers and prophets from the past have predicted much that has not actually taken place and that many scientific and medical hypothesis are no longer considered true. Our perception of the world is not fixed. The scientific theories that explain it are constantly changing. Who can we begin to believe?

We will have to turn inward and begin to believe in ourselves… To discover all of which we actually are. We can then begin to realize that suffering is not our only path or duty. It’s more simply like a piece of music that has been played over and over… But there are other tunes to play! Venturing beyond our present time and beliefs about who we are, there is still much to discover about ourselves! Teachers and helpers along the way can and will be found, not only from the outside, but also from within ourselves.

When we view our world as it now appears, we can travel the depressing, but also “realistic”, route. Millions of people still exist in poverty, even in affluent societies. Over twelve million children in the United States go hungry, and many of them are homeless. Ignorance and violence thrive, as does war, which it would seem is a vast source of entertainment on television. We can also choose to look from another perspective… So much is changing every day! The most wonderful things are happening… Advances are being made… Illumination and love is thriving in even the darkest of places. Communication has expanded. Subjects that were once taboo are now being more openly discussed. Millions of people want positive change and are prepared to work to that end for themselves and for future generations.

We need to seriously ask ourselves now: “Do I want positive change in my life? To be happy and whole, to love and be loved, and to experience joy? Do I want to experience the fulfillment of my potential? Am I ready to heal?”

What is illness and imbalance?

The simple answer is that illness and imbalance are a conscious choice, and that there are many different reasons for making that choice. This statement may be very difficult to accept if you have a loved one who is dying of cancer. But as you stay longer with the process of unraveling the mind and the emotions, you will see that it is so. Imbalance can be a very desirable way of being and just as useful as balance itself. It is our choice to decide how long a state of imbalance lasts. We do have the answers and the knowledge within us to restore balance to an imbalanced state of being.

To say that illness is the result of imbalance is a quick answer to a very complex, and yet at the same time, simple subject. We will need to go further into ourselves, beyond anything written or thought, before we can discover that after all there are no “imperfections”, only differences. We have become biased towards the view that “imperfection” is bad. Deeply rooted in our minds within concepts that have truly never been our own.

When we look at the idiosyncrasy of past and present geniuses for example, all peculiarities appear to be forgiven and understood when viewed in the light of their often spectacular offerings to mankind. In our present time, differences are being explored and integrated, held up for our inspection and understanding. Differences and “imperfections” are no longer so often ignored, but rather valued and slowly integrated into that great and colorful mass of matter which contains thoughts, emotions and experiences. The matter that each one of us, as individuals, lends ourselves to, making up together the wonderful thing which we call humanity and reality.

Believing you are perfect and have the power to heal is a fact waiting to be accepted. It is also a feeling and a knowing that you will need to let grow… You will also need to become aware of and examine the origins of anything that tells you otherwise. This is the first basic step in taking back your own power and knowing you have a choice to heal.

Remember, no established thoughts, facts, figures, or even millions of people telling you differently are more real or valid than this statement: “You have the choice to heal and furthermore, you can heal yourself”. The only thing stopping you from healing yourself is belief, commitment, making decisions, and knowing how. This is an exciting prospect.

Back to Simplicity

Simplicity is a valuable tool in our self-healing process. Modern medicine and science might lead us to believe that the healing process is highly complex. There may be truth in this, but we can also choose to focus on simplicity and have it work for us.

It is wonderful to expand your vision and your awareness to watch the healing process taking place. It is wonderful to realize the simplicity of the emotions, times and events, which led you to your initial choice of illness and imbalance. As you look closer and become more aware, you will see the interconnectedness of everything. During your self-healing work, keep things simple, because they are. Choosing the path of simplicity does not mean that you label yourself, or will be labeled, as naive. On the contrary, it means that you are aware enough, and trusting enough of yourself, to realize that simplicity is an important and very real pathway to follow.

Simplicity will work time and time again where complexity often fails. For example, if you ask yourself: “Why do I have a pain in my shoulder or cramps in my legs?” and you feel and receive the answer, “Because I do not feel loved and cared for, I am not receiving enough attention from those I love”, accept this answer, as it may well be as simple as that! This answer may also be true for far greater and more complex illnesses and imbalances. Work with the simple answers you receive and follow through with your own simple actions. There is no need to look for problems when they often do not exist, although it is easy to slip into complex self-diagnosis as well as seek outside diagnosis and theories. At the same time, do not allow yourself to become over anxious about aches and pains, or even bigger problems, when you know you are already dealing with them. For now, it is important to remember that we have a choice. During your experiences with self-healing, you may hear a little voice in your head saying: “It cannot be that simple!” But the truth is: Yes it can!

<a href="https://petrene.com/author/petrene-soames/" target="_self">Petrene Soames</a>

Petrene Soames

Top World Psychic, Medium, Healer, Teacher, Self Healing & Paranormal Expert, Author...

If you need help with any of the ideas or issues raised in this article, please don’t hesitate to reach out! Petrene has been successfully bringing awareness and helping people put their lives back together for over 40 years… As a Top World Psychic and Healer, her expert, unique and powerful techniques and psychic awareness are unsurpassed… She can bring you all the answers that you need, empowering and helping you to cut through decades of pain and years of therapy… read more

World Top Psychic Petrene Soames

Written by:Petrene Soames

Did you know that Petrene Soames is also the Author of three amazing Self Help books and “The Positive Thought Cards”?

Written with warmth, charm and profound insights, they are invaluable tools and a must have addition to everyone’s Self Healing toolkits…

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