If your Body is Out of Shape, It’s because You’re not Being In It!
For many of us, not being happy or satisfied with or even disliking our own body is a major block to happiness and awareness…
Women especially, tend to spend a lot of time wishing their body was different in one way or another… this is becasuse we have bought into accepted concepts of what is a perfect, beautiful and ideal for body shape,… We also police ourselves constantly with thoughts and beliefs such as “my stomach is too big”, “my thighs are too fat”, “my butt sags”, and so on…
We each have parts of us we wish were different… This can range from something as simple as a basic wish for change right down to an obsessive and constant battle with and beating up of ourselves… Feeling that we will never be lovable enough or attractive enough and that life will never be great until we lose those extra unwanted pounds however, leads to very destructive behaviors and thought patterns that can often seem and be very hard to break…
How we act and react…
It’s very important to say that being overweight or out of shape is not only about what we eat… It’s also about our emotional state of being, how we deal with stress and how fast we process and clear life experiences… It’s also about how our life is going and how we are dealing and relating to it… Both now and in the past…
If you are overweight or out of shape, simply ask yourself what are you holding on to? What are the things you feel stuck on?
Comfort eating can be simple and relatively harmless, like a small sweet snack to give you a lift when things aren’t going right… It might also however get to be a serious problem… Overeating just to feel safe and blanket distressing emotions such as anger, fear, pain, despair and loneliness… The more we get angry with ourselves for doing this, the more stuck and out of control we feel… It can seem like a never-ending cycle…
What can we do?
Be honest with yourself! How much are you really in your body? How often do you feel zoned out and on automatic?
Define the triggers, the situations, the people, the simple events and emotions that keep you out of your body and out of touch with yourself… They might be very simple… Old pains, hurts and fears that you have never resolved or found closure on… Unfulfilled needs in the present and from the past… Lack of love from others and to yourself from yourself… Insecurities… Not realizing and accepting that you are indeed a wonderful and amazing being with true talents and unique thoughts and ways of being and experiencing life… Not realizing that you do have a lot to give…
Follow these Top Tips to get back into your body… Get into great health and shape and get real with yourself and your life…
- Include plenty of room temperature water in your diet every day… Quit drinking fizzy, sugary drinks, even the “diet” or low calorie varieties… Cut back on alcohol.
- Become more aware of what and how much you eat each day by noting down everything that you eat for a week… Later, re-think your diet… Eat simple, basic, plant foods… Include more fruits, vegetables, legumes and beans, brown bread, whole grains and non sugary cereals into your diet… Seriously consider and look into becoming vegetarian or vegan…
- Make time every day for yourself… Even ten minutes is vital… You need to let go, sit still, relax, do nothing… Let your thoughts come and go… Breathe deeply from the bottom of your stomach with your mouth open… Say firmly in your mind: “I am letting go of everything I no longer need”! Mean it!
- Rub your stomach slowly backwards and forwards, then round and round with slow circular movements… Breathe deeply… This will calm and soothe you when you are tired, anxious, or stressed… It can replace the need of reaching for the ice cream or cookie jar…
- Look at yourself in the mirror! Simply look… Do not judge… If you find yourself judging, stop… Simply look and accept what you see… Look for the beauty beyond any pain in your face and in your eyes…
- Love yourself completely without condition! Use positive thoughts each and every day… Be open to realizing how wonderful, amazing and special you really already are… Don’t wait for tomorrow to be perfect… Love and accept yourself just as you are… Today, and every day…
- Realize that you do know what you are doing at all times and that there are no mistakes…
- Bring color into your life! Wear it! Bring it into your home or workplace… Imagine being surrounded by color and breathe it all through your body until you are full… Use and enjoy this and other healing exercises from my book “The Essence of Self Healing: How to Bring Health and Happiness into Your LIfe” …
- Ask yourself at least once a day: “Where am I right now?” You may be driving to work and yet still be in events from previous days or well into the future and anticipated events… Become aware of where you are and how you are more often… Make a point of also recognizing who you are being… Are you playing a role or are you simply being yourself?
- Dream! Visualize how you want your life to be one year from now… How would you like it to be in 5 years? In 10 years? Expect the best… See the positives in all negatives for they are definitely there, simply waiting for you to discover… Remember, nothing is ever only as it seems…
- Lighten up, have fun! Stop feeling responsible… Break patterns… Be spontaneous! Explore other facets of yourself… Throw away, give away or even sell everything you no longer need…